  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s Openness of Foreign Labors Policy and its Management Mechanism :A Case Study of Taipei City

指導教授 : 曾復生 陳文政


21世紀全球化〈globalization〉世紀,也是遷徙的世紀。經濟、技術與文化及資訊,快速往有利可圖地方集中。勞動力人口亦在全球化下,從低度發展國家〈underdevelopment〉遷移至相對發展快速的國家,去從事工作以尋求希望,故不同國籍,膚色及文化的工作者會在一起工作並不奇怪。台灣也因國人受教育程度提高,工作價值觀念改變及產業結構轉型,又面臨土地及工資成本持續上揚等因素影響,導致危險、骯髒及辛苦工作嚴重缺工。使產業再也無法憑恃島內廉價勞動力的優勢競逐,產業外移出走成為趨勢。故引進外勞協助紓緩勞動力短缺問題,仍是政府使產業能根留台灣政策之一。 自1989年10月開始,台灣以「十四項重要工程人力需求措施因應方案」首批引進泰國籍外勞。1992年就業服務法通過,正式確定了台灣的外勞政策。於是,在營建工地、捷運車站、醫院、社區公園或街坊鄰居都可看到外勞的身影。截至2011年12月底在台藍領外勞人數有42萬5,660人。外勞約佔國內勞動力3.5%,是原住民勞動力的2倍。迄今外勞人數每月屢創新高,是否會影響國人就業權益?又2012年2月開始,外勞工作期限再延長從9年至12年,應可預見未來外勞的管理問題將會更趨凸顯。另馬英九政府2008年5月20就任後,兩岸關係從對峙到經濟融合,持續增溫下是否會開放大陸勞工引進?除非我們不再追求經濟成長,否則外勞仍是一個無法避開的大課題。 雖外勞政策係由中央所制定,但各直轄市、縣(市)政府基於地方自治權限,執行外勞管理的方式也不一。因台北市為首善之區,外勞人數佔全國第四大,深具指標性作用。故本研究以台北市對外勞的管理政策作為探究,冀期能提供其他縣市辦理參據,增強外勞引進正效益。


Globalization has made the global economy; technologies and information assemble rapidly in the 21the century. The laboring forces also transferred from underdevelopment countries to highly-developed countries. As a result of higher levels of education, the values of working have changed in Taiwan. Also, the industrial structure has been transformed. In addition, there were many factors such as continuing growing wages and land costs which has cause serious shortage of human resources. Therefore, laboring forces with low price is not the superiority of the industries in Taiwan anymore. The overseas migration of the industries has become a new trend. Thus, the introduction of foreign labors is a critical policy of Taiwan’s government to reduce the shortage of laboring forces. The first group of foreign labors has introduced from Thailand to Taiwan was in October, 1989. In 1992, the Employment Service Act has officially adopted which made Taiwan’s foreign labor policy totally identified. There’re 425,660 foreign labors in Taiwan until the end of December in 2011. They’re accounted about 3.5% of domestic labors, and the number is still growing. Will this phenomenon affect the right for working of Taiwanese people? Furthermore, the working period of foreign labors has extended from 9 to 12 years which may let the management of foreign labors become more important. Besides, the cross-strait relations have changed from confrontation into economic integration since the inauguration of President Ma Ying-jeou. If this situation keeps getting better, whether our government admits the introduction of Mainland labors? Foreign labors management is an inevitable issue unless we no longer pursuit of economic growth. Although the foreign labor policy was decided by central government, due to the differences in local self-government privileges, the implementation of foreign labor management has divergence in different municipality and counties. As a leading city, the number of foreign labors in Taipei was accounted for the fourth- largest in the country. Hence, this thesis uses the foreign labors management policy of Taipei city as a research case. And the main purpose of this thesis is to produce a basic parameter for other counties also improve the benefit of the introduction of foreign labors


薛承泰,〈外勞措施轉折 政策粗糙〉,國政分析,(台北,財團法人國家政策研究基金會,2007年06月)。


