  • 學位論文


The Influence of Higher Education Accreditation to Universities

指導教授 : 林谷峻
共同指導教授 : 張瑀珊


近年來,在教育部的教研品質計畫要求下,各大專院校需確保教育的品質具備一定的標準,因此國內許多商管學院致力於通過AACSB認證的評鑑標準,藉以提供教學品質上的保證及畢業生未來於國際職場上的競爭能力。 本文首先延伸組織社會化以及個人─組織契合度的相關研究至學校組織的範疇,探討其對於學校組織個體的影響,接著利用AACSB認證做樣本群組的區別,以檢測取得AACSB認證學校的學生與未取得AACSB認證學校的學生是否在學習成效、組織認同、組織公民行為、學習滿意度及轉學(系)的意願上有顯著的差異。結果顯示,組織社會化將會透過個人─組織契合度對學生之學習成效、組織認同、組織公民行為及學習滿意度產生顯著正向的結果,而對轉學(系)的意願產生顯著負向的結果,且於取得AACSB認證學校的學生一關聯性上是優於未取得AACSB認證學校的學生。整體而言,本研究提供國內AACSB認證對教學品質確保的證據,同時也提供支持組織社會化及個人─組織契合度適用於學校組織的實證分析。


In the past few years, many local schools had been engaged in reaching the evaluation standard certified by AACSB so as to provide best teaching quality and elevate international competitive advantage of graduates. According to Organization Socialization and Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit), the essay expanded the related research to explore the effect on school organization individual, and then it evaluated the difference between the students from schools certified by AACSB and those from the other schools on leaning effect, organizational identity, organizational citizenship behavior, learning satisfaction and turnover intention. The outcome indicated that through P-O-Fit, Organization Socialization has a positive effect on students’ learning effect, organizational identity, organizational citizenship behavior and learning satisfaction and a negative effect on turnover intention. Overall, this study proved that AACSB certification system is a guarantee of teaching quality, besides, it also provided an analysis for those who think that Organization Socialization and P-O-Fit are applicable and beneficial to the education systems.


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