  • 學位論文

外國品牌形象進入國內市場行銷策略之研究 -以澳洲品牌 Lorna Jane 為例

The Marketing Strategy for Entry of Foreign Brand Image to Domestic Market - A survey from an Australia brand, Lorna Jane

指導教授 : 鮑世亨


自 2008 年金融海嘯過後,在台灣人民的消費行為已經漸漸由奢侈品轉向平價的 服飾去消費,並且對於日常生活服飾逐漸以「實用性」作為購買時的第一考量。然 而,早在 2000 年許多的運動服飾品牌已經遇見了未來台灣女性消費的商機,因此隨 著運動產業於 2004 年的興起,讓許多的運動品牌營收大有展獲。 近年來政府積極推廣澳洲打工留學,讓人民能夠到澳洲當地體驗不一樣的生活, 此政策除了幫助人民對澳洲有所認識之外,也間接打響了許多外國品牌的知名度。 若是能夠進一步以澳洲正面形象以及 Lorna Jane 自身的品牌形象作為一個行銷策略 的基礎,將有助於這個澳洲本土的女性運動品牌打入台灣市場。 本研究主要探討台灣女性消費者對於國外運動品牌的購買意願,觀察現今國內 外女性運動用品的現況,尤其是以喜好運動的女性族群為主要對象,深度了解澳洲 品牌於台灣市場的可行性。因此將適度採用諸位學者們對品牌形象以及來源國形象 的定義作為一個基礎的架構,並依據架構制定焦點團體訪談大綱,以訪談的方式了 解受訪者對於 Lorna Jane 以及澳洲的印象,作為後續制定行銷策略時的參考。


Since the financial crisis of, the consumption behavior of the people in Taiwan has gradually shifted from the luxury to spend cheap clothing and apparel for everyday life and "functional" will be the first consideration when buying. As early as in 2000, many of the sports apparel have met business opportunities in the future-Taiwan female consumer. With the sports industry development in 2004, the revenue of sports brands was impressive. In recent years, the government actively promoting “working holiday” in Australia so that the local people can go to Australia to experience a different life. In addition, this policy did help the people to be more familiar with not only Australia but also many foreign brands. If a positive image of Australia and Lorna Jane’s brand images can be applied to occupy consumers’ mind, it will help this Australian native women's sports brand, Lorna Jane to develop marketing strategies in Taiwan market. This thesis investigated Taiwanese female consumers willingness to buy foreign sports brands. With the surveying of current situations of using domestic and international women's sports clothing and appeals, especially the females who enjoy exercise as the main target and the investigate the feasibility of the Entry of Australian brand in the Taiwan market. To achieve our goals, this research applied some scholars’ arguments of brand image and the image of the country of origin as a basis for the definition of the structure and the focus group interviews outlines. By understanding the respondents’ feedback toward Lorna Jane and Australia impression, it can be used as the references for developing the follow-up marketing strategies.


Brand image Country-of-origin Sports wear Lorna Jane


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