  • 學位論文


A comparison of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory Between Spanish film The Holy Innocent and Taiwanese film A City of Sadness

指導教授 : 羅幕斯


本研究探討兩部敘述獨裁社會中家庭生活的電影-西班牙電影“聖潔無辜的人”(Los santos inocentes)與台灣電影“悲情城市”之間的比較。這項研究將幫助我們更深入地了解和反映作品中文化差異已及國家的關係。本研究跳脫以往學者利用霍夫斯坦德(Geert Hofstede)文化維度理論研究領域的限制,擺脫過去被應用於跨文化交際、跨文化心理學以及國際企業管理研究為大宗的應用,並以電影美學的角度進行跨文化比較。 本研究有兩大預期假設,首先,我們認為文化差異與導演的電影敘事方式之間有著顯著的關係,第二,霍夫斯泰德指出獨裁時期國家在民主時代也表現出非常相似的特徵,本研究期望透果本研究質疑此論述。我們以霍夫斯泰德的研究作為理論框架,透過權力距離指數、個人主義或集體主義、男性化或女性化以及不確定性規避指數,找出西班牙以及台灣兩國之間的相似性以及差異性。 在經過兩部電影文化比較過後,我們應證了先前的兩大假設,其中以集體主義的西班牙以及團體主義的台灣文化面向最為明顯,西班牙導演與台灣導演在描述暴力事件時也都採用了相當不同的方式,前者採取直接的拍攝手法,而後者則使用了許多遠鏡頭以及將暴力場面置於鏡頭外。而透過此研究我們也發現霍夫斯坦德的文化維度需要適度的修改以及檢視。


The present investigation focuses on the comparison between the Spanish movie, The Holy Innocent, and the Taiwanese film, A City of Sadness, in which narrate the life of families in dictatorial societies. This research will help us unravel and learn more about the similarities and differences between cultures and countries reflected in the works. Our objective of the present study is originated from the intention of providing a new point of view in the comparison of the culture represented in a cinematographic way. With the help of the trans-cultural theory proposed by Hofstede, whose cultural dimensions have been limited to the fields of communications intercultural, as intercultural psychology and international management. As we will show later, we divide our hypothesis into two, first, we assume that there is a statistically significant relationship between the national culture and the narration in film form of the directors; second, we assume that, contrary to what Hofstede points out that the two countries during a dictatorship may show very similar characteristics in later democratic times. Therefore, we will use Hofstede's study as a theoretical framework, modified in its factors of Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity or Femininity, and Uncertainty Avoidance.


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