  • 學位論文


A Discourse Analysis of Women in the Thirties in Japanese Trendy Drama

指導教授 : 楊明昱


性別是媒體再現中值得探討的一個重要議題,而本研究除了性別的變項外還加入年齡一起納入討論,以日本趨勢劇為文本,探討文本呈現怎麼樣的三十女人論述,立基於文本是一個權力角鬥的場域,媒體呈現的是一個多方角力的結果,除了強勢的父權在當中形塑外,女性主義的論述也必在當中參與。一種論述的呈現引導人們怎麼去看待這個課題,因此,本研究藉由文本的分析,期望能更透徹的瞭解社會怎麼去建構三十女人,知曉當中的權力運作。 經過對文本話語分析發現,日劇媒體中呈現的三十女人普遍想婚、渴望愛情,女性被形塑成忠於愛情的,並且以婚姻為愛情的終點,戀愛結婚被視為是個體自由意識的展現。再者,父權和資本主義合力將女性的勞動力推到私領域以及家庭主婦觀念的建制,設定女性最終的歸宿是婚姻家庭,但在這樣的循環中,婚前女性被以年輕和美貌來決定行情,婚後投入了無償的家務勞動中,這是一張編織出來的以浪漫愛為名的意識型態網絡的真實面。另一方面,女性在戲劇中的反抗從形象上大嬸的形象所產生的反抗的力量,到女性成為自身凝視的主體與打破性別疆界的女性主體,都展現女性主體在父權下能別闢一條蹊徑,女性可有多元的選擇和樣貌。


Gender is an important issue for media representation, so is aging. In this essay, we combine gender and age as the main idea of this study and discuss the women in the thirties in Japanese trendy drama. Basing on the idea of the text is the field of multi-power to bargain, we believe the image of women in the thirties was represented by not only paternal authority but also feminism. The main purpose of this essay is to analyze the discourse of women in the thirties and understand who constructs it and how. After analyzing the text, we found that media presents women in the thirties are eager for being married and take marriage for the goal of love. Falling love and marriage are regarded as a showcase for a will of free individual. Because of the ideology of romantic love, women are content with being a housewife at home. The truth of romantic love is that women are encouraged to keep their beauty and youth to maintain their blue chip within love; however, if they get in the marriage, what they have to take is gratuitous housework. On the other hand, we also found that female consciousness fight for its position in the text by changing the image of women to claim women are not controlled by man anymore. They can be the subject but being the other to men. Even, she can break the borderline of gender, and take off the label of women to be herself only.


劉燕芬 譯(2001)。《大性別》。台北:商務印書館。(原書 Alice Schwarzer〔2000〕. Der Grosse Unterschied.)
王奕婷 譯(2005)。《性�文本政治:女性主義文學理論》。台北:巨流。(原書. Moi, T.〔2002〕Sexual/ Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory.)


陳曉彥(2012)。獨身時代來臨: 成年後期自願穩定單身女性之存在樣貌〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315301370
