  • 學位論文


The Study on the Relationship of Group-Building Activities, Organizational Climate, Employees' Personality Traits and Job Performance.

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-Sheng)


「揪團」為近幾年來相當風行的非正式群體活動,再加上透過網際網路的推波助瀾之下,已成為了一股不可小覷的團體力量(江逸之,2009)。同時這股熱潮,不只是在網路上發燒,在企業組織內也有「揪團」活動上演。但企業大多要求每位員工能盡力於其工作績效表現,協助企業朝目標達成邁進,不希望受其他生活面之雜事影響員工,因此如果員工若越熱衷參與「揪團」將影響其平日工作,此為企業所不樂見。 本文主要想探討何種組織氣候及具備何種人格特質之員工,較常參與揪團活動,同時,對參與揪團活動是否在員工工作績效表現上會有所不同。在確定研究動機、擬定研究方向及研究目的後,對國內外之相關文獻加以整理歸納,再根據先前學者之理論基礎,選擇合適之調查問卷並建立研究架構與假設。 本研究以大台北地區之工作者為問卷調查對象,以了解其公司之組織氣候、並對工作者之人格特質、工作績效及參與揪團行為動機、性格、參與揪團行為之類型、頻率、喜好程度等加以探討,共回收150份有效問卷,藉由SPSS.12統計分析方法,最後根據實證結果提出以下主要研究結論: 1.不同人口統計變項之工作者在揪團行為上無顯著差異 2.不同組織氣候之工作者在揪團行為上無顯著差異 3.外向性人格特質之工作者,較會參與組織內揪團行為 4.不同揪團行為之工作者在工作績效上無顯著差異 5.工作者對揪團活動喜好程度、對揪團活動會正面影響工作績效之認同程度皆對揪團行為具有顯著影響。 藉由本研究結論,企業組織內揪團行為對組織內績效不會造成影響,但對外向性人格特質之員工應多關心,可透過公司服務配套措施以減少員工揪團行為,且避面可能因揪團行為衍生之金錢糾紛。組織內揪團行為並非管理上之棘手問題,不須透過打壓方式解決,應多透過與員工雙向溝通方式,讓員工了解工作期間應遵循之工作規範,在不影響平日工作下,給予適當的自由空間。


Group-building activities is a very popular, informal activity in recent years. Coupled with Internet waves, it has become an un-ignored power. At the same time, this trend is not only happened the Internet fever but also arises inside the enterprises. However, enterprises are required employees to devote themselves to job performance without any chores influenced. Businesses are not reluctant to see the employees are influenced by the group-building activities on their job. In this thesis, the organizational climate and personality traits of employees what may influence group-building activities would be explored. The impact on job performance of employees would be explored as well. This thesis is begun from setting motivation, direction and purpose and literature review, and then set up research framework, hypotheses and questionnaires for investigating. Finally 150 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed statistically by SPSS.12 to understand the cause-effect among organizational climate, personality traits and job performance. And we also explore the motivation, characteristics, type of behaviors, and the degree of preference of workers' group-building activities in Taipei region. The following conclusions are listed according to empirical research: 1. Different demographic variables of workers have no significant differences on group-building activities. 2. Different organization climate recognized by workers has no significant differences on group-building activities. 3. Workers with extraversion personality traits are more likely to participate in group-building activities. 4. Different group-building activities of workers have no significant differences on job performance. 5. The degree of preference and the extent of identification of group-building activities having impact on performance have significant influences on workers' group-building activities. By the conclusion of this research, group-building activities within the enterprises have not impact the job performance. But the companies should take more concern on the extravert through services provided. And also to avoid the derived entanglements of money. Group-building activities are not troublesome to managements and not necessary to forbid with enforcements. The management should communicate with employees with mutual way to let them follow the ethics code and also give them appropriate space with the premise of no influence on job performance.


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