  • 學位論文


A Study of the Transformation and Adjustment of R.O.C.'s Cross-Strait Policy(2000-2011)

指導教授 : 施正權


本論文主要是從二000年第一次政黨輪替至二0一一年第二次政黨輪替,兩個不同政黨執政的時期如何調整與轉變前朝的對中國大陸政策。雖文中會提及一九四九年至二000年之間的領導人在當時環境之下所做出的決策,但因其階段並無近十幾年來的變化之大,例如:陳水扁提出「一邊一國論」以試圖改變兩岸現狀,以此表示兩岸為各自獨立主權之兩個國家;馬英九則是認為,以「九二共識」為背景,相互尊重、維持現狀以及擱置爭議是臺灣突破困境的最佳取向。 自國民政府遷移臺灣至今,臺灣對中國大陸政策一直以來的有所謂的「不」作為核心,每位領導人都面臨了不同的兩岸環境,不僅來自於中國大陸也包括了世界環境的變遷。蔣介石執政時期堅決不變的漢賊不兩立,蔣經國為了抵抗此中美建交以及對臺灣人民精神喊話,因此以「三不」─「不接觸、不談判、不妥協」作為回應,爾後更正其「三不」─「不主動、不退讓、不迴避」,李登輝從回應「江八點」的「李六條」到「特殊國與國關係論」以及「戒急用忍」便是臺灣從被動的回應到主動對兩岸關係做出一個架構。 陳水扁上任後為了消除疑慮提出「四不一沒有」、「新五不」、「大膽談話」、「積極開放、有效管理」都是為了穩定美中臺三邊關係的穩定,但因中共的外交衝擊以及刻意排擠,使陳水扁亦然的提出「一邊一論」以及加強臺灣為主權獨立國家的「四要一沒有」,兩岸關係至此降到最低點;馬英九在未上任前先提出其堅持「五不五要」並應與中共進行協商,就任後更是提出「不統、不獨、不武」的兩岸政策核心原則,且將「九二共識」中的各自表述一中作為兩岸協商架構的基礎,其中馬英九政府更是強調「對等、尊嚴、互惠」、「先急後緩、先易後難、先經後政」等原則,深化制度化協商。 臺灣經過兩次政黨輪替,臺灣領導人受其所屬政黨的核心理念影響,政府對於中共的政策,會受到當時期中國領導人的影響而有其調整,陳水扁至馬英九的兩岸政策在原則上的轉變以及經濟交流上的調整截然不同但卻也有相似之處,臺灣是如何調整對中政策,以維持與中共之間的和平現狀,使自身得以獲得國家最佳利益。


This thesis mainly describes two different parties how to adjust and shift predecessor’s China policy in their administration from the first party rotation to the second one. Although this thesis mentions the policies made by the leaders during 1949-2000 in those circumstances, the changes in this 50 years are slighter than recent ten years. For example, Chen Shui-bian puts forward the one country on each side policy to attempt to alter status quo of cross-straight, while Ma Ying-jeou consider that based on 1992 consensus, mutual respect, maintaining the status quo and shelving disputes are the best choices for Taiwan to make a break through.. Since the government of the republic of China moved to Taiwan, Taiwan’s China policy has always used no as the core. Every leader has faced different cross-strait circumstance, which is not only from the changes of China, but also the whole world. The policy in Chiang Kai-shek’s administration was Han people and other races cannot live together. Chiang Ching-kuo used “the 3 'No's”-“no contact, no talk and no compromise”, which was changed to “no initiative, no concession and no avoidance” to response. As the respond to “Jiang’s eight points”, Lee Teng-hui’s “six points”, “special state-to-state relations” and “no haste, be patient” policy mean that Taiwan has actively made a framework to cross-strait relationship from passively respond. When Chen Shui-bian’s in office, he advanced “four ‘No’s and one without”, “new five‘No’” ,“Bold conversation”and “Open actively and efficiency managing” to stabilize U.S.-China-Taiwan trilateral relations and clean the air. However, owing to the diplomatic thrust and sedulously squeezing out of China,Chen Shui-bian accordingly addressed “one country on each side” and “four ‘No’s and one without” for strengthen Taiwan as an independent country, which made cross-strait relationship to hit bottom. Before Ma Ying-jeou began his term of office,he raised “five dos and don'ts” and keeping negotiating with Chinese communist party. When he’s in office, he put forward “no unification, no independence and no use of force” as the cardinal principle of cross-strait policy and regard self-recognizing one China respectively as the basis of cross-strait consultation. Ma Ying-jeou administration even emphasize “equality ,dignity and reciprocity” and “the urgent prior to the subordinary, the easy prior to the difficult, and economy prior to politics” to deepen consultation system. After two times of party rotations, the leaders of Taiwan who are based on the core philosophy of party the belonged to, their administration would adjust China policy by the influence of Chinese leader. For the China policy of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou,the shift of principles and the adjustment of economic exchanges are so different and still similar, which is how to adjust China policy to maintain the peace with Chinese communist party and make own country benefit the most.




