  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Women’s Political Participation in Mexico before and after Party Alternation in 2000(1953-2013)

指導教授 : 王秀琦


自古以來社會受到以男性為中心的父權體制影響深遠,女性長久遭受男性壓迫,尤其在政治領域中,女性往往是弱勢的族群。隨著時代演變,女性漸漸在國際上嶄露頭角,特別是拉丁美洲出現了眾多女性國家領導人。截至目前為止,世界上曾經出現過57位女元首,其中拉丁美洲就佔了11位,比例高達19%。墨西哥2012年總統大選中國家行動黨也首次派出女性總統參選人,儘管最後沒有成功當選,但卻是墨西哥婦女參政歷程中重要的里程碑。 墨西哥傳統女性被侷限於家庭的框架中,獨立戰爭期開始參與社會運動,但往往在戰爭結束後,女性又被貶回家庭單位中。經過漫長的努力,1953年終於獲得選舉權,此後各界女性積極打破社會各層面的不平等。革命制度黨自1929年起統治墨西哥長達71年,2000年首次成功達成政黨輪替,由國家行動黨執政,女性地位也在此期間大幅提升,尤其是聯邦選舉法性別比例原則的制訂,大大提高了女性在政治層面的參與程度。儘管如此,女性於墨西哥政治體制中常常因為某些特殊原因才受到重視,實際上仍不平等。女性政治家的出現和傳統男性政治制度是互相抵制的,女性若想要在政治界生存,有時不得不屈服於政治體制之下。


The society has been ruled by the patriarchy for decades. Women have lived under men’s pressure for a long time especially in politics. Women usually are the vulnerable group of the society. As the change of time, women become more powerful in the international politics than before. The world has had 57 female presidents till now and 11(19%) of them are from Latin America. In Mexico’s 2012 presidential election, the National Action Party appointed their first female candidate. Although she didn’t win the compagnie eventually, this was an important milestone of women’s political participation in Mexico. The traditional role of Mexican women was confined to family; they began to participate in social movement during the independence war. As the war finished, they were sent back to the family. After years of effort, they finally obtained the suffrage in 1953. Women tried to break the inequality in every social stage since then. Institutional Revolutionary Party had dominated Mexico for 71 years since 1929. In 2000 Mexico accomplished the party alternation for the first time in history; women’s social status had also improved significantly. However, there is still a glass ceiling which hinders women’s development in the political participation.


Helgesen, Sally,林宴夙、徐荷譯,《柔性優勢-女人的領導風格》,台北:允晨文化,1995年。
林冠每,《智利 1990年民主化後之婦女政治參與》,台北:淡江大學美洲研究所,2012年。
