  • 學位論文


Case study IPCC: from Epistemic Community (2007-2014)

指導教授 : 李大中


聯合國於1988年成立政府間氣候變遷小組(IPCC),其成立宗旨在向全世界提供有關對當前氣候變化及其潛在環境和社會經濟影響認知狀況的科學觀點,並會在每五到六年發布評估報告,報告目的在評估關於氣候變化、影響和未來風險,以及因應措施與減緩方案的科學、技術和社會經濟的文獻報告。 IPCC給國際各國在氣候會議中制定政策時提供了建議,由於具備了科學性與跨政府性,再加上氣候議題的重要性與複雜性,使得各國對IPCC的專業與中立性相當依賴。在這種知識逐漸影響決策的情況中,國際關係學者提出所謂的「知識社群」來討論專業科學對國際政治的影響。知識社群是由「在專業領域議題中,公認具有專業知識和才能的專業人士」所建立的組織,而這種以科學知識為基礎所形成的團體對政策亦有一定影響,特別是環境議題,因為這關係到環境問題的界定、衝擊影響的評估、因應策略的選擇,決策者可藉由專家的專業知識,理解複雜的環境問題,聽取專家的建議並經由討論形成共識或認同,並制定出因應政策或公約。 本研究透過相關文獻的檢視後,歸納出最重要的研究問題「IPCC是否是知識社群?」的結論,即為IPCC是知識社群的代表之一,其原因在於IPCC首先經過整理相關的科學知識、分析資料、出版評估報告、在氣候會議上發表呼籲演說,督促各國政府努力達成共識,以便簽訂相關公約,並在近幾年的會議上開始與民眾接觸,讓民眾了解氣候變遷的嚴重性,由此可看出IPCC的工作與活動是科學性與政治性兩者兼具,是符合知識社群的特色。 身為國際上最具代表性的氣候變遷研究單位,IPCC的行為表現與研究成果是具有指標性的,而未來還會繼續在國際社會中持續活動,本研究希望藉由了解IPCC的組織架構、工作內容、成果報告以及在國際政治中的行為,更加認識這個具備科學性與政治性的知識社群,期待能為後續研究者提供一個參考的方向。


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the United Nations in 1988. The mandate of the IPCC is to provide the world with a scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. Every 5-6 years, the IPCC will produce an assessment, or state of climate change report base on its evaluation of the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change. The IPCC provides policy advice to the members of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Due to its scientific and intergovernmental nature, along with the significance and complexity of the climate issue, the dependency of the global community on IPCC’s expertise and neutrality extends. With the increasing influence professional knowledge has on policy making, international relations scholars propose the concept of “Epistemic Community” to explain such phenomenon. An epistemic community is formed by “professionals with recognized knowledge and expertise in a specific issue-area.” These science and knowledge based groups have their influence to policy making, especially on environmental issues. The experts from epistemic community are needed by the policy-makers through their decision making process. They will help to define the environmental problems, propose contingent policy solutions, and evaluate the possible effect of the policy they proposed. The purpose of the research is to determine whether IPCC can be categorized as an epistemic community by examining the pertinent literature. The IPCC initiated as an international body that provides scientific knowledge, data analysis, assessment reports on climate change issues. The organization also delivers speeches on UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, urging for the consensus to be made by global governments on the environmental issues. In recent years, the IPCC starts to reach the general public, hoping to raise the awareness regarding severe climate change. Due to its political and scientific character, the work of IPCC fits the description of an epistemic community. As the leading international body for the assessment of climate change, the IPCC is iconic for its efforts and research reviews. Since the organization will continue its work on the international society; the research hopes to provide a comprehensive understanding of the organization through its structure, work, publications, and participation of the international politics. The research aims to better understand IPCC as an epistemic community that has both the scientific and political characteristics. Furthermore, the research intends to address a new research direction for the future.


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