  • 學位論文


The Study on the Recruitment in the Fire Department

指導教授 : 邱華君 博士 李仲彬 博士


為能拔擢適格消防專業人員從事火災預防、災害搶救、救緊急救護及重大災難發生處置之熱血消防重業人員,考選部配合各用人機關需求,透過行政院、考試院兩院會商獲致共識後,規劃研擬「警察人員考試制度改進方案」,經98年6月4日鈞院第11屆第37次會診議審議通過,原則同意自100年開始,警察人員初任考試制度採警大、警專畢業生及一般大學、專科、高中畢業生雙軌制實施之方式。警察人員考試雙軌分流制度案經多方討論並獲共識,爰研修公務人員特種考試警察人員考試及基層警察人員考試二項考試規則,經鈞院99年9月9日召開第11屆第102次會議審議通過。一般生與警校生需用名額比例,三等考試為14%與86% ;四等考試為30%與70% , 3年後重新檢討分流比例,雙軌分流制度目貫施以來迄今已逾4年,依前揭院會決議需用名額比例須重新進行檢討。是以引起本研究之動機。本研究係偏重晉用前端「考」的部分著墨較多。 本研究自民國104年4月開始進行,將文獻探討、訪談資料分析,訪談對象消防署、臺北市及新北市消防機關有實際從事消防工作人員、消防教育單位、消防工作領域專家為訪談對象共8位人員;並根據訪談對象之特性設計訪談題目,以獲得符合研究主題之觀點;最後復針對訪談所得之資料,詮釋受訪者對於問題之看法並分析、歸納,以期獲得研究之核心價值。 本研究建議有: 一、應試專業科目設計應反映機關實務任用上需求 二、用人機關參與考選工作納入試用淘汰機制及職能需求 三、建議國考分「考試、訓練及試用」階段評分的可行性 四、消防機關須提供訓練管道,協助消防人員勝任職務 五、建構消防職能管理系統,完備消防人力資源管理制度等


To promote qualified professional fireworkers to work on fire prevention, disaster rescues, emergency medical services, and massive disaster treatments, based on the recruitment demands of each organization and the consensus reached between the Executive Yuan and the Examination Yuan, the Ministry of Examination, had studied and drafted The Improvement Program on the System of Police Examination. The Program was reviewed and passed at the 37th meeting of the 11th Yuan Sitting of the Examination Yuan, held on June 4th, 2009. It was approved in principle that starting from year 2011, the system of the police examination for the non-incumbent civil servants would adopt a dual track system which would be applicable to all graduates from Central Police University and Taiwan Police College, and graduates from general universities, colleges, and senior high schools. The adoption of the dual track system for the police examination had been widely discussed and a consensus had been reached. According to the conclusion reached in the 102nd meeting of the 11th Yuan Sitting of the Examination Yuan, held on Sep. 9th, 2010, the examination regulations for the dual track system should follow those applied in Trained Civil Service Special Examination for Police Personnel and Examination for Rank-and-File Police. Regarding the ratio of the quantity of required personnel, for Level Three Examination, the percentages of the graduates from general schools and from the police academy are 14% and 86% respectively, while for Level Four, the percentages are 30% and 70% respectively. The dividing proportion should be reexamined three years after the enforcement. Now that it has been over four years since the duel track system was put in practice, the ratio of the quantity of required personnel must be re-inspected, so as to be in accordance with the conclusion reached in the above-mentioned meeting. The re-examination thus motivated for this study, and the emphasis of this study is more on the front end of “examination.” Commencing from April 2015, this study has explored relevant literature and analyzed interview materials. Eight interviewees were involved in the study, including staffs from National Fire Agency and fire education organizations, current firefighters from the fire brigades of Taipei city and New Taipei city, and experts in the firefighting field. Based on characteristics of interviewees, the questionnaires have been specially designed to obtain viewpoints that best meet the subject of the study. All interview materials, including each interviewee’s perspective, have been interpreted, analyzed, and generalized to acquire valuable insights for the study. This study suggestions as : 1.The examinations of professional subjects should be designed so as to reflect practical demands of organizations or institutions. 2.Hiring organizations or institutions should be able to participate in the examination process by incorporating probation/elimination mechanism and competency requirements. 3.The feasibility of grading in phases of “examination, training, and probation” should be considered. 4.Fire organizations should provide training accesses to assist firefighters to fit the position and should construct a competency management system to complement the human resource management system. 5.Contract fire agency, complete fire workers human resource management system.


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