  • 學位論文


An AR-based Navigation System on Smartphone

指導教授 : 許輝煌


由虛擬實境衍生而來的擴增實境,發展迄今已近約二十年的時間,雖在很多領域中可見到其應用,但以往礙於設備因素而較不易推展至戶外,近幾年隨著智慧型手機的蓬勃發展,使擴增實境的技術得以由室內走向戶外,而智慧型手機內建的各項感應器及搭載多項的定位科技更是讓擴增實境實現於行動裝置的平台上不可獲缺的重要關鍵,加上智慧型手機配備越來越完整,應用層面越來越廣,取代了以往許多所謂的專業設備,導航設備便是其中的一項,現今市面已有多款建構在手機上的導航軟體,不過現今的導航系統,除了地圖外多加了以擬真方式繪製影像來指示其行進路線,但有時擬真繪製的方式總易與實景有所落差,故易使駕駛人無法清楚理解指示方向,尤其是在較為複雜的道路中。 因此本研究將利用手機中搭載的全球衛星定位系統(GPS)取得車輛的定位,並利用Google Maps API開放的資源,讓系統具備導航中極為關鍵的地圖圖資及路徑規劃功能,接由取得的GPS座標和規劃路徑中各點座標,利用大圓距離計算以及方位角、轉向角的計算可得車輛目前應行進的轉向角度與現在車輛與下一點轉折點的距離,有了這些數值後我們再利用此些資料運用透明投影法來將指示路線繪製在手機的螢幕畫面中,然而為增快反應時間及避免GPS定位誤差之問題,系統亦利用方位感測器(Orientation Sensor)來彌補上述的問題,使其能在轉向後快速的切換指示路線,而手機中的攝影機則提供實際環境的影像,利用擴增實境的技術以完成擴增實境導航系統功能,而該系統能執行之結果,能有別於傳統導航中的地圖或擬真顯示,在車輛行駛中帶給駕駛人更加直覺更加清晰的導航指示。


Augmented Reality development was extended from virtual reality technology. Although it already developed for almost 20 years, but these years the trend of Smartphone is getting more and more popular make Argument Reality technology is from indoor application to outdoor application. Nowadays most of Smartphones built variant sensor and position search component inside helps Argument Reality technology to become a real moveable technology. And because of Smartphones built-in a lot of sensors and electronic components so it replace a lot of traditional electric devices , one of the devices is navigator. Nowadays some companies developed Apps on Smartphone for navigation but most of them illustrate the path indication by maps and simulation images but paint picture is hard to indicate very clearly, complicated roadways especially. So this theme research apply GPS system of Smartphone to get the vehicle position and integrate Google Maps API sources to build maps and routing planning function. After the routing planning is generated system will compute the distance by Great-circle distance theory and azimuth then utilize the result with perspective projection theory to draw direction indicator on the screen. In order to increase the reaction time and overcome the difference Of GPS system apply Orientation Sensor to assist with it and let the navigation indicator can be switch immediately. Finally Smartphone camera capture the real time scene in front of vehicle and Augmented Reality technology combine the indicator on it. Comparing traditional navigation system and Augmented Reality navigation system the new system let user easier and more intuitional in indicate driver follow the indication of planning routing.


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