  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship of Self-awareness, Social Capital and Adolescents’ Internet Use

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究目的在探討台北市國中生網際網路溝通工具使用與自我覺察與社會資本之間的差異性,以及探討青少年之自我覺察與社會資本之間的相關,並且根據研究結果對學校師長、家長及未來研究提出建議。本研究翻譯Govern與Marsch(2001)之情境自我覺察量表及Williams(2006)之網際網路社會資本量表,對台北市學生採取分層比例抽樣進行問卷調查,共計發放問卷1441份,回收有效問卷1157份,問卷信度Cronbach α值為.928。 本研究結果顯示: 一、台北市青少年之自我覺察平均得分為4.08(總分6分),其中各面向之排序由高至低為「公共自我覺察」、「環境自我覺察」及「內在自我覺察」。 二、台北市青少年之社會資本平均得分為3.63(總分6分),其中面向「橋接式社會資本」略高於面向「黏著式社會資本」。 三、台北市青少年之背景變項包括「家中子女數」、「在家中排行」、「最常使用之網際網路溝通工具」、「使用頻率」、「使用時間」、「最常使用對象」及「最符合之使用原因」的不同在自我覺察上達顯著差異。 四、台北市青少年之背景變項包括「年級」、「家庭結構」、「家中子女數」、「在家排行」、「父親教育程度」、「母親教育程度」、「最常使用網際網路溝通工具」、「使用年資」、「使用頻率」、「使用時間」、「最常使用對象」及「最符合之使用原因」的不同在社會資本上達顯著差異。 五、自我覺察與社會資本之Pearson積差相關係數為.61,呈現中度的正相關,表示當自我覺察越高時,社會資本亦越高,反之亦然。 根據結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對學校教師的建議 (一)課程融入網路禮儀、網路法規常識、網路安全等相關議題,且落實在教學上。 (二)教育學生對網路交友抱持正確的態度。 (三)透過相關課程如自我探索、價值釐清、兩性關係等,提升自我覺察,以期提升社會資本。 二、對家長的建議 (一)轉由消極限制孩子使用網路,成為積極輔導者。 (二)利用網際網路溝通工具與孩子交流,拉進彼此距離、改善彼此溝通。 三、對未來研究的建議 (一)研究對象的建議 1.擴大抽樣範圍,並做不同縣市間之比較。 2.延伸抽樣對象年齡層,且做不同年齡層之比較。 (二)研究方法的建議 1.可將問卷之題項增減及修改,以符合不同年齡或地區的受試者。 2.社會資本除了黏著式與橋接式的分別之外,可根據網路特性及相關研究而有其他的區分方式。 (三)研究議題的建議 1.嘗試進行網路和現實世界不同場域之自我覺察和社會資本之比較。 2.探討網際網路溝通工具的使用是否為人口背景變項與自我覺察和社會資本的中介因素。 3.探討網際網路溝通工具自我覺察和社會資本間是否有因果關係。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship among Adolescents’ Internet use, self-awareness and their social capital. Using proportionate stratified sampling method, 1411 questionnaires, which the researcher adopted and translated from Govern and Marsch’s (2001) situational self-awareness scale and Williams’(2006) Internet social capital scale, were sent out to the junior high school students in Taipei City, and 1157 valid questionnaires returned. The reliability of questionnaire is .928 of Cronbach α. The results of the study are as followings: 1.The average outcome of adolescents’ self-awareness is 4.08. As for the three dimensions, “public self-awareness” ranks the highest, followed by “environmental awareness” and “private self awareness.” The result tells that adolescents care most about their “public self”. 2.The average outcome of adolescents’ social capital is 3.68. As for the two dimensions, the average of bridging social capital (3.94) is higher than bonding social capital(3.33). 3.Self-awareness and social capital vary with different demographic and Internet use backgrounds, including number of children at home, rank at home, most used Internet communicating tools, frequency of use, time of use, most communicated people, fittest reason for using. 4.The Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient of self awareness and social capital is .6l, meaning that self-awareness is positively related to social capital. As a result, the higher one’s self-awareness is the more social capital he owns and vise versa. The followings are the suggestions for government administrations, schools, teachers, parents, and future researches. 1. Suggestions for schools and teachers a.Integrate Netiquette, Net safety, and other related course into teaching. b.Hold positive attitude toward Internet friends making and teach students how to tell right from wrong and protect themselves on the Net. c.Design self-exploring, self-knowing or value-clarifying courses to enhance students’ self awareness. 2. Suggestions for parents. a.Be familiar with Internet and be active advisors for children’s Internet use. b.Communicate with children by means of Internet communication tools. 3. Suggestions for future researches a.In terms of research target: expand larger sampling across wider age ranges and areas. b.In terms of research method: delete or revise questions of the questionnaire according to factor analysis of this study, and explore other dimensions aside from bridging and bonding social capital. c.In terms of research scope: compare online and off line self-awareness and social capita. In addition, researchers can also investigate if there is cause-effect relationship between Internet use, self-awareness and social capital.


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