  • 學位論文


Red Blood Cell Damage in Extensional Flow

指導教授 : 盧博堅




Cardiovascular disease is the major leading cause of death in nowadays society. For cure the disease, people have developed artificial organs, such as ventricular assist devices, artificial heart valves,catheters. But tubing can create non-physiologic flow conditions within the cardiovascular system. The stress forces generated in these flow fields can induce blood cell damage, particularly red blood cell damage or hemolysis. However, actual flow field forces include both shear stress and extensional stress. In this study, we created a strong extensional stress flow field with the sharp contraction of a short capillary. The flow field generated at the entrance of the capillary was calculated with CFD to determine the stress values, which was followed by hemolysis experiments with porcine red blood cells to determine the effects of extensional stress on hemolysis. Our results were consistent with prior studies in that the extensional stress was the primary mechanical force involved in hemolysis with a threshold value of 1000 Pa.


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