  • 學位論文


Exploring Taiwan University Freshman Students Development of Listening Strategies and Self Efficacy through Extensive Listening Activities

指導教授 : 蔡瑞敏


本論文旨在探討英語悅聽(Extensive Listening)活動對台灣大一新生聽力策略及自我效能之影響。本研究以四十位台灣大一非英文系學生為對象,透過為期12週的英語悅聽活動,藉由課內活動設計及課後英語悅聽計畫,來檢視學生聽力策略的使用及其英語聽力自我效能的影響及發展。 研究期間以師生討論紀錄、課後學習單、自我效能問卷、悅聽活動問卷、和半結構式訪談、檢核表、動機量表等工具蒐集研究資料。研究工具包括「英語聽力學習策略調查表」、「英語自我效能量表」與「訪談紀錄」等。 研究結果顯示,學生能自行在英語悅聽活動中產生學習策略,且學生認為英語悅聽活動能幫助提升英語聽力學習的自信心,其中有三十六位學生同意英語悅聽活動在其英語聽力學習過程中產生了正面的效果。然而,本研究亦認為部分程度較弱的學生在從事英語悅聽活動時,需要有指導者從旁協助。


The current study followed an action research which aimed to explore the effects of the implementation of extensive listening in Taiwan college freshman listening class. The study was conducted with forty college freshman native Mandarin speakers aged eighteen or nineteen for a period of one semester. The researcher of the study was also the participant students’ English teacher who observed, developed, and adjusted the instruction to assist and guide students to engage in extensive listening activities in and outside of the classroom. There were four major sources to collect data for the study: teacher’s notes from after-class conversation with the students, eight-week student worksheets, self efficacy questionnaire, extensive listening perception questionnaire, and semi-structured interview. The data analysis in this study aimed to answer research questions regarding listening strategies generated by students, students’ adoption of listening strategies taught in classroom, students’ self efficacy in English listening, and their perceptions on the experience in the extensive listening activities. The result showed that the participants in this study generated both cognitive and metacognitive strategies to overcome obstacles in extensive listening practice outside the classroom. They also adopted strategies instructed by the researcher in class. Regarding self efficacy, findings of the study suggest that the extensive listening help the students develop confidence to deal with listening tasks in the future. And finally, the students generally perceived the experience with the average of 36 students out of forty agree on the positive effect. However, it is also suggested that lower-level listeners may not be ready for doing extensive listening without explicit instructions.


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curriculum. The Language Teacher, 28(6). Retrieved from http://jaltpublications.
