  • 學位論文


A Study of the Impact of Digital Media Towards University Press Business

指導教授 : 邱炯友


大學出版社身在學術知識產出的中心─大學,相對的對於學術和知識的傳承和任務,也比其他的機構和單位多出了一份責任感和力量。大學出版社是出版者,大學出版社就像是大眾所熟知的商業出版社如Random House等,因為大學出版社的出版業務同樣要經歷選題、發展、設計、生產、行銷以及銷售書籍和期刊的過程。但不同的是,當商業性質的出版社繼續以創造利潤為其目標,大學出版社的任務卻是聚焦在學術、知識即創造性的作品上,即使是在專業的小眾領域,大學出版社仍不改其任務和目的。大學出版社雖然不以營利為目標,卻不代表必須要排除賴以維生的營利行為。大學出版社具有傳播的功能,不僅具有出版者的角色,也具有傳播者的角色,大學出版社也是非營利機構,但其收入卻被列為美國十大出版類型,大學出版社從傳統進入到數位化時代後,經營管理方式已經改變,本文即在探討大學出版社之經營管理、合作和服務內容等,受到數位化影響的程度害改變的內容為何。本研究以文獻探討和個案研究的方式進行,以文獻探討說明美國傳統大學出版社經營型態和模式作為本文的研究背景,繼而探討大學出版社受到網路和電子化的影響,在經營型態上所產生的改變,最後,輔以八個個案樣本,利用網頁分析的方式佐證大學出版社在數位化時代經營管理模式的改變。


University Press is a publisher, same as well known publishing houses such as Random House etc., have to go through the process of acquisition, development, designing, producing, marketing, and selling books and journals. However, the mission of University Press is not-for-profit, in fact, it is to conserve, publish, and convey knowledge.University Press has the ability to diffuse, it not only is a publisher, diffuser, but also is a non-profit organization. Nonetheless, because of the amount of its earned surplus, it was listed as one of the top ten publishers of the United States. The administration of University Press has changed since it has gone from the traditional stage into the digitalized age. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the business administration, alliance, and service of University Press, including how it is influenced by digitalization and in what way has it changed.


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