  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Gap Behavior for Underlying Stock Prices of Dow Jones 30 Index

指導教授 : 倪衍森


本研究探討2000年至2004年12月間,美股道瓊三十成分股跳空缺口日交易資料對股價異常報酬之影響,以日交易數據,採事件研究法,檢驗跳空缺口發生後是否具有資訊內涵?運用向上或向下跳空缺口出現的訊息,歸納分析其後續交易是否隱含異常報酬?探究跳空缺口發生時其背後隱藏的意義是什麼?冀望能經由本研究之深入探討,讓投資大眾能掌握市場股價變動之節奏,提高交易超額報酬及其獲利機率;另外探討跳空缺口發生後,影響異常報酬之因素為何?能否提供投資大眾一個選擇買賣策略的參考?同時本研究之重要結論如下: 一、在全部跳空缺口的資料中,可以發現無論是向上或向下型態跳空缺口的資訊外溢之醞釀皆是相當明顯,但是跳空缺口發生後的介入空間,向下跳空缺口是較向上跳空缺口來得有強度,因此可了解當道瓊三十成分股若出現有向下跳空缺口的資訊醞釀時,可進行進場投資的時機參考。 二、當跳空幅度大於2.5%時,無論是向上或向下跳空缺口的型態,皆產生明顯的資訊外溢之醞釀,並且也產生顯著的異常報酬;而小於2.5%的跳空幅度時,則雖有資訊外溢的現象,但較無顯著的異常報酬。 三、當日成交量大於平均成交量時,無論是向上或向下跳空缺口的型態,皆產生明顯的資訊外溢之醞釀,並且也產生顯著的異常報酬,甚至出現延燒的現象。但小於平均成交量時,向上跳空型態卻出現成交量低估,而反轉為超買的成交量;向下跳空型態則出現成交量高估,市場隨即反應下殺的形勢。


This research investigates jump behaviors of Dow Jones 30 underlying stocks from 2000 to 2004. While separating upward or downward jump behavior, there are several important findings are disclosed by this study, which are shown as follows: 1. In all jumps behavior, spillover effects are discovered regardless of upward or downward jumps behavior. While comparing upward with downward jump behavior, the strength of the downward jump are stronger than that of downward jump. Thus, investors might short-selling DJ30 underlying stocks after appearing downward jump. 2. When jumping gap are higher than 2.5%, regardless of upward or downward jump, the significant spillover effects are shown before and after the event day, i.e. some inside information are discoursed before the event day, and significant abnormal returns are shown after the event day. However, while jumping gaps are lower than 2.5%, the spillover and significant abnormal returns are not obvious as comparing with the above case. 3. Besides, while trading volumes are higher than average trading volume, the significant spillover effects are also shown before and after the event day; However, while trading volumes are lower than average trading volume, the spillover effects and abnormal returns will be different than the above.


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