  • 學位論文


Associations among Bad Service Quality, Negative Emotion, and Jaycustomer Behavior:The Case of Convenience Stores

指導教授 : 王居卿
共同指導教授 : 汪美伶(Mei-Ling Wang)


便利商店自1979年引進台灣,經歷了數十年的演進,憑藉著多樣便利的服務與遍佈全台的分店,至今已成為台灣人日常生活中不可或缺的重要產業。在展店漸趨飽和與高度同質性的競爭環境下,服務品質已成為便利商店的關鍵競爭要素。相關文獻指出,不良服務品質將導致顧客之負面情緒升高,而負面情緒常為惡質顧客行為之導因。且在高競爭低獲利的產業中,惡質顧客行為所造成的損害甚大。本研究之目的在於探討不良服務品質、負面情緒與惡質顧客行為間之關聯性,以及探討不良服務品質是否會透過負面情緒影響惡質顧客行為的出現。   研究對象限於具有便利商店消費經驗之一般民眾,將便利商店依區域特性分為風景區、商業區、學區與住宅區,以分層隨機抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,共回收166份有效問卷。以SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析,採用敘述性統計、效度分析、信度分析、相關性分析與層級迴歸分析。分析之主要結果列述如下: 一、不良服務品質程度越高則負面情緒程度越高。 二、負面情緒程度越高則惡質顧客行為出現之可能性越高。 三、不良服務品質程度越高則惡質顧客行為出現之可能性越高。 四、不良服務品質會透過負面情緒影響惡質顧客行為的出現。


The convenience stores were introduced into Taiwan in 1979. After several decades of evolution, it has become one of the most important industry, and a variety of convenient services and branches are established throughout Taiwan. As the result of high homogeneity and the saturation of market, service quality is one of the key competitive factors. Literature revealed that bad service quality will raise the negative emotions, and jaycustomer behavior is often caused by negative emotions. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between bad service quality, negative emotions, and jaycustomer behaviors. The sampling object is limited to the consumer of convenience store in New Taipei City. A questionnaire-based survey was used to measure the consumers’ perception of Bad service quality, negative emotions, and jaycustomer behaviors. 166 Valid questionnaires were collected. The analyse suggest that Bad service quality will raise the negative emotions and jaycustomers behavior of consumers. The results also indicate that negative emotions will raise jaycustomer behaviors. Finally, the findings suggest that negative emotions may serve as mediator between bad service quality and jaycustomer behaviors.


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