  • 學位論文


The construction of Taiwan‘s strategy on national security education

指導教授 : 翁明賢


本文分析研究的主體為台灣的國家安全教育戰略之建構,即以溫特(Alexander Wendt)社會建構主義文化─身分─利益─戰略的文化認知結構作為主要研究途徑,整合台灣國家安全戰略研究、全民國防教育與全民防衛訓練,形成以體適能與技藝能合一的學識能力發展為基礎的國家安全教育體系亦即國家文武合一教育體制之戰略分析。 首先,解構學校軍訓教育─國防通識教育─全民國防教育的發展歷程,指出全民國防教育的發展能量與侷限,以尋求建構國家安全教育戰略之基礎。 其次,以全民國防教育為基礎,向上尋求國家安全戰略研究與社會建構觀點的結合,向下發揮全民防衛動員訓練與國安機制的整合成效,並向外開展國家安全政策教育憲政運作體系的循環,以實踐能力發展為主體的國家安全教育戰略架構建構與循環發展體系。 接著,依序分析構成國家安全教育戰略架構發展的三大支柱,即社會建構主義所形成的國家安全戰略研究指導觀點,與透過國防體制規範,所形成的國家安全政策教育憲政運作循環體系,及藉由全防衛動員訓練的充實與擴大,所形成的國家安全機制訓練能力發展體系。 然後,提出影響台灣國家安全教育戰略建構成效的關鍵因素,即兩岸戰略文化認知結構的發展與教育實踐之影響,說明中國大陸戰略文化發展所形成的中國國家地位與形象發展優勢,及台灣在兩岸安全與發展的戰略文化取向,指出兩岸戰略文化層次化發展趨勢及其對台灣國家安全教育戰略建構的影響。 最後,以台灣兩次政黨輪替時期的國家安全教育戰略實踐成效,驗證台灣國家安全教育戰略解析架構的適切性,進而提出台灣國家安全學門與教育戰略規劃的後續研究與政策建議,以促進能力導向的國家安全戰略研究之發展。


The Content of this Dissertation is the construction of Taiwan‘s strategy on national security education.Taking “ culture-identity-interest-behavior ” concept structure of the social constructivism of Alexander Wendt as the mainly research approach to integrate national security strategy study,all-out national defense education,and all-out defense mobilization training into capability-based national security education system. Which is combining civil and military as one national education system. Firstly,applying the history study approach to deconstruct the development process of all-out national defense education which is from military training education through national defense general education,so as to find the basis of the construction of Taiwan‘s strategy on national security education . Secondly,taking all-out national defense education as the basis,upward to connect national security strategy study and downward to combine the practice effectiveness of all-out national defense mobilization training into national security mechanism operation.Then,outward to develop national security policy education constitutional operation curricum system,so as to construction national security education strategy structure. Thirdly,using national security strategy study to combine with the social constructivism viewpoint,forming the upper guidance of national security education strategy,and according to national defense structure to organize the cycle of national security policy constitutional operation system.Then,through the enrich and expand of all-out national defense mobilization training to develop national security mechanism capability system.That is conbining physical capability and skills capability into knowledge capability national security education system. Fourthly,providing the analysis of the key factors for Taiwan‘s strategy on national security education construction effectness.That is strategy culture cognitive structure of both Taiwan and Mainland China.That is the hierarchical influence of the superiority of nation position status and image development for Mainland China and the future orientation of security and development choice about two shores for Taiwan. Finally,taking the practice effect of two times of political transformation of political parties to verificate the appropriateness of the analytical framework of Taiwan‘s strategy on national security education .Further,to promote the suggestion for the planning of Taiwan national security education school and policy,that will help to stimulate the development of capability-based national security education system.


