  • 學位論文


The Diversification Strategy for Inland Container Terminals in Northern Taiwan - A Case Study on Tungya Transportation and Terminal Corporation Xizhi Container Center

指導教授 : 李旭華


自西元1971年代之後,當時正值台灣經濟起飛,由於貨櫃化運輸的方便性且台灣處於洲際長程航線與區域集散航線交會節點地理位置絕佳,因此大量的進出口貨櫃來往於台灣各大港口,而其中北部地區以基隆港為當時的一大港口,因此世界級船公司將主航線彎靠基隆港,然而基隆港由於地理環境限制港口腹地狹小,進而衍生內陸貨櫃集散站的設立。貨櫃集散站在貨櫃運輸過程中扮演提供貨櫃堆放、儲存、及提供櫃裝貨物集散之場地及設備,在貨櫃運輸供應鏈中成為不可或缺角色。 其後因台灣產業結構變遷、傳統產業西進大陸、金融風暴等,再加上國內外經濟環境的影響,造成進出口貨量逐漸減少,基隆港區貨櫃吞吐量下降,使得內陸貨櫃集散站之經營越加困難。因此業者開始進行整併或是積極尋求多角化經營策略亦或以尋求轉型之機會。進一步對企業之競爭力、服務品質、營運績效進行評估以找出企業未來發展之方向。 本研究主要針對台灣北部地區內陸貨櫃集散站經營業為研究對象,並對相關文獻進行回顧分析,使用專家訪談及波特五力分析作為研究方法來針對個案分析。首先對於基隆港之營運現況做分析,並進而針對其現況所呈現之問題做出討論。其次則著重於基隆市、基隆港發展政策做法令面與政策面之描述,再進一步分析其所面臨的各種挑戰。最後則以東亞運輸倉儲股份有限公司汐止貨櫃中心為範例,簡述其營運現況與營運之挑戰的各項分析,對公司進行各項績效評估及波特五力分析,進而提出相關多角化經營之策略並對其可行性做出各項評估。


In 1971, Taiwan’s economy was booming. Owing to the convenience of the transport container and Taiwan situates in the long-haul intercontinental routes with regional hub node intersection. There were large volume of import and export containerized cargoes in Taiwan, which Keelung in the northern region as a major port at the time. Under such circumstances, major shipping companies allocated their routes to call at Taiwan ports, including Keelung and Kaohsiung Ports. However, due to the geographical environment limits, Keelung port hinterland was narrow, and thus derived the establishment of inland container terminal. Container terminal provide container handling, storing, and provide space and equipment distribution cabinet loaded the goods in the process container transportation, become an integral role in the container transportation supply chain. However, the export and import volume decreased due to the structure change in Taiwanese industry. Moreover, after Asian Financial Crisis, the island terminal business has more and more difficulty. This situation caused certain problem for those inland container terminals in northern Taiwan. Thus how to upgrade their industry, or how to adopt diversification strategies become an important issue. This study focused on the northern part of Taiwan inland container terminal operator, and review the relevant literature analysis, the use of expert questionnaires and five forces analysis as a research method for the case study. First, make analysis of the operational status of Keelung, and thus make their discussions on the issue presented by the current situation. Second, we emphasis on the analysis of Keelung development policy and the challenge it faces. After all we take Tungya Transportation and Terminal Ltd., Xizhi container transport warehousing center as an example. Evaluate the performance of the company and Porter's five forces of analysis. It aims to provide useful reference for Tungya and other terminals which face the same difficulties.


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