  • 學位論文


Effects of YouTube-Integrated Language Learning in the EFL Speaking Classes: A Case Study on Taiwanese College Students

指導教授 : 林銘輝


英語口說訓練一直是英語教學領域裡的核心議題,尤其在台灣的英語教學環境下更是如此,因為相較於其他教育地區,台灣缺乏貼近真實英語的口說練習環境。為了改善這樣的環境限制,已有許多研究致力於探討更有效的英語教學或學習方法。然而,鮮少研究專注於正在快速發展的「Web 2.0」教學法對台灣英語口說教學的潛在影響力,例如:YouTube的應用。 因此,本論文旨在探討YouTube在台灣英語口說教室內的使用成效。本實驗進行17週,共有92位非英語主修之大一新生參與研究。研究者針對YouTube在台灣口說教室內的應用成效上呈現統計數值,其中包含兩個層面,包括:學習者的英語口說能力成就及學習者對英語口說之學習態度。此外,本研究亦採用質性的現象學分析,探究受試者在使用YouTube的學習經驗歷程。 量化結果顯示,藉由YouTube的使用,受試者在英語口說能力以及學習態度上皆達到顯著性的進步。此外,質性研究結果亦顯示,雖然受試者對YouTube的使用給予不同的意見,但整體上而言,實驗結果仍然支持YouTube的效益,相信該教學法能成為台灣英語口說教室內的有效輔助工具。


Speaking training is always a core issue in the field of English learning. Many studies have thus been devoted to exploring prospective, efficient pedagogical treatments for EFL teachers to teach and students to learn speaking. However, rare research has focused on the potential effects of the rapid-developing Web.2.0-based approach (e.g., the use of YouTube) in English speaking classes, especially in the context of Taiwan. This thesis, therefore, aims at investigating the effectiveness of YouTube assisted language learning in Taiwan’s EFL speaking classroom by conducting a 17-week experiment where 92 non-English majored freshmen were involved. The participants’ speaking proficiency and learning attitudes (i.e., self-efficacy and motivation) before and after the experiment were investigated, using both quantitative and qualitative inquiries. The quantitative results show that the participants made significant progress in their speaking ability via YouTube use. Also, their learning attitudes were elevated after the experiment. Qualitatively, although students had different perceptions of YouTube use, generally the results still support Youtube’s affordance as an effective pedagogical tool in EFL speaking classes in Taiwan.


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