  • 學位論文


The Study of Key Factors for Managing Western Restaurants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 温博仕


隨著生活水準的提高,經營環境的自由與國際化,近年來國內的商業形態已與數十年前經濟起飛的時代甚至是更早之前的狀況有很大的不同,其中,餐飲業的蓬勃發展更是一個國家國民生活水準的最佳表徵。 國內餐飲業的種類樣式繁多,西式餐飲在台灣已有段時日,它並非文化傳承下的飲食習慣,也不是時代潮流下所發展的新型飲食文化,想必西式餐飲的經營在現今餐飲業的激烈競爭下,比起其它的餐飲類型又是更加艱難。因此,本研究將以西式餐廳為主題,探討其經營關鍵因素,提供西式餐廳之經營者一個參考的方向。 本研究之研究方法分為層級分析法以及結構方程模式兩大部分,目的為找出台灣西式餐廳經營關鍵因素。層級分析法的部分是用來匯集從事餐飲業相關之專業人員與經營者對於經營西式餐廳的看法。而結構方程模式則是運用在調查一般的消費民眾會根據哪些因素來選擇西式餐廳。分別從產學面(餐飲業相關之專業人員與經營者)與消費者面(一般的消費民眾)了解他們對於經營或選擇西式餐廳的想法與意見,找出從不同的觀點對於西式餐廳的看法有何相同點或差異處。 由實證結果得知,專家們對於各構面之因素重視的先後順序為1.餐廳的餐點(其中飲食>食材)、2.服務(其中服務人員>服務措施)、3.價格、4.地點(其中便利性>附加性)、5.環境(其中衛生>氣氛)、及6.行銷活動(其中宣傳活動>優惠)。而這些專家們包含餐廳的經營者、主廚…等等,都是各西式餐廳的決策階層,因此,上述的先後順序也代表著目前台灣西式餐廳之營運重點。 由消費者調查問卷可知,消費者對於各構面之平均重視程度最高的前三項分別為1.衛生、2.服務人員、3.飲食;最低則是附加性,即餐廳週邊的景觀或餐廳附近的其它休閒去處。而由西式餐廳經營關鍵因素之關係模式證實本研究所設立之經營西式餐廳的六項關鍵因素之間是環環相扣的。 研究發現產學面與消費者面兩者之間所重視的項目還是有些許的不同,其中相同處為飲食與服務人員,顯示出餐點的口味、份量…等與餐廳服務人員的服務態度、服務效率…等是餐廳經營者與消費者之間共同認定的重要因素。而兩觀點的不同處就像是衛生項目,這是消費者們選擇餐廳時非常重視的因素之一。此研究結果可提供西式餐廳業者於經營上的參考,讓西式餐廳在競爭中屹立不搖、永續經營。


As living quality improves, the environment of running business has become more freely and internationalized. The domestic commerce has great differences in the recent years. In one of them, the best symbol of the living standard in a country is the dining industry. There are many kinds of restaurants in Taiwan. The western food has been in Taiwan for a while. It is hard for western dining to compete with other kind of dining styles, because it is neither a traditional dining habit nor the new type of fashion dining style. Therefore, to find out and to provide the key factors for running western restaurants is the main thesis of this study. By using analytic hierarchy process to collect experts’ point of view and structural equation modeling to understand consumers’ opinions. We compared two different methods and interpret results to provide the key factors for managing western restaurants. According to results of analytic hierarchy process, we know the order of these key factors by experts’ opinions. Diet(food & drink > ingredients) is the first factor, and service(service personnel > service measures) is the second factor. Moreover, price, locations(conveniences > additions), environment(sanitation > atmosphere) and promotion(advertisement > premium) are the third, forth, fifth and sixth factor. These experts include managers of restaurants, chefs and so on. They are all policymakers of restaurants. Hence, the order of these key factors represents the order of operations in restaurants in Taiwan. In terms of consumers’ opinions, top three factors are sanitation, service personnel, food & drink and the last is additions. Besides, we found out that all of key factors in the study are interrelated. Based on the research, there are several differences between two opinions, like sanitation is one of the important factors for consumers to choose western restaurants. Otherwise, experts and consumers agree that the diet and service personnel are both important factors. The results of this study could be a reference for the western restaurant managers to manage their restaurants.


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