  • 學位論文


Chong Jian street movements and Internet: a perspective of the political opportunity and the cohesion of identity.

指導教授 : 許傳陽


現實生活中的面對面溝通,已經隨著科技與網路頻寬逐漸轉變成線上虛擬空間的互動。社會運動也開始透過網路新媒體當中的「虛擬社群」發聲,更快速聚集民意。如同2010與2013年發生的兩次捍衛重建街之運動皆透過臉書發起,人民聚集請求政府莫拓寬重建街道以保存珍貴古蹟,相對於其他重大衝突行動,且資源匱乏的情況下,眾人默默無喧嘩卻依舊受到各界關注,是和平且成功影響拓寬決策的社運案例。但面對重建街的守護行動成功卻少有學者討論,基於對淡水老街文化的喜愛,以及對重建街居民與學生用沉默的方式代替激烈抗爭所獲得成功的好奇,因此,本研究將以「重建街」為主要研究對象。 本研究之研究問題核心為:「將探究透過網路社群發起之淡水重建街守護運動,其與地方政府間的互動關係以及參與者對於淡水重建街守護運動的認同感如何建構之過程」。透過新社會運動理論分析重建街守護運動與社群網路的結合情形以及社群網路如何幫助社會運動中集體認同感之凝聚;並以政治機會結構理論作為輔助,分析重建街守護運動發起的政治契機,以及與國家部門的互動關係。並以深度訪談法針對兩次守護運動的主要發起人進行非結構式訪談,得知老街的拆遷,因為網路的便利性與社群網站的快速集結民意之能力有了轉機,再加上創意市集的蓬勃發展,重建街的保存運動終於成功。但是單靠網路不足以成事,現實的抗爭活動才是社會運動事件的關鍵,且認同感在當代仍必須透過現實生活的接觸才能形成,好比來逛街的觀光客以及在此生活的居民,都是因為親身接觸,「認同感」才有凝結的可能,而線下的認同感需要搭配線上社群網路的平台,才能更為凝聚,兩者缺一不可。


Face to face communication in real life, as technology and bandwidth has gradually transformed into a virtual space. Social movement began to gather people by "virtual community ", it’s faster to gather public opinion. For instance ,in 2010 and 2013,there were two defense movement occurred and convened through Facebook, people gathered in the streets and asked the government to stop widening Chong Jian street and save precious monuments, not like sunflower student movement or other conflicting actions, people’s resources were scarce in, but they attracted public attention, that was peaceful and successful social movement case. But there were few scholars discussed the two successful actions. I love Tanshui Street, as well as feel curious that why street residents and students can be successful by silence, therefore, "Chong Jian street " will be the main object of study. The core of this study is to research the movement of Chung Jian street that how it to interact with government and the process of construction of collective identity. To analysis the situation of combining Chung Jian street movements with social network and how social network to help the social movements for cohesion of in the collective identity by New social movement theory, and to explain the political opportunity of Chung Jian street movements by Political opportunity structure theory. Because of social network and creative market, Chung Jian street was preserved. However, the two movements couldn’t have be done if they just count on Internet.We need to contact people in the real world so that we can have cohesion of collective identity,interact with people in the real world is very important.


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