  • 學位論文


A study on the strategies and methods of recruiting overseas Chinese students to study in Taiwan's universities

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要是以問卷調查法及訪談法為主,文獻探討及文件分析法為輔,探討我國大學校院招收海外僑生及港澳生策略及作法之研究,本研究主要目的包括: 一、分析東亞其他國家或地區(含中國大陸、日本、韓國、香港與新加坡等)僑民教育政策及招收海外僑民至該國或地區就學之政策與實際運作情形。 二、瞭解我國招收海外回國僑生及港澳生政策之歷史沿革。 三、檢視我國招收海外僑生及港澳生回國就學的相關政策。 四、瞭解吸引僑生及港澳生來臺就學動機、選校因素及招生宣傳成效之認知。 五、探討我國招收僑生及港澳生實施現況及其相關問題。 六、根據研究發現,提出建議,供我國相關單位未來相關政策改革的參考。 本研究之問卷調查,係於北、中、南部一般大學校院中挑選公、私立校院各一所為調查學校,以2014學年度在學之僑生與港澳生大學部新生為對象進行調查,本研究共寄發問卷821份,回收有效樣本共617份,有效問卷的回收率為75.15%。 本研究之訪談係以海外聯合招生委員會常務委員會代表學校為範圍,分北、中、南三地區抽選公私立各一所一般大學校院,共6所學校之負責僑生與港澳生招生單位代表進行訪談。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、本研究探討的東亞其他國家或地區對其海外僑民子女回國就學都有協助之方案。 二、我國海外僑生及港澳生的招生政策歷經長時期的發展沿革,已有由緊至鬆的轉變。 三、問卷調查樣本選擇來臺就讀動機,是以考量生活習慣構面為主。 四、問卷調查樣本選擇目前學校就讀,是以學習資源及學校聲譽構面的題項為主要考量。 五、問卷調查樣本對於招生宣傳認知,以招生宣傳服務成效較為彰顯。 六、問卷調查樣本選擇來臺就讀動機,與來自不同僑居地、就讀學校、就讀類組、是否曾就讀師大僑先部、入學管道及兄弟姊妹是否曾來臺就讀等方面有顯著的差異。 七、問卷調查樣本選擇目前學校就讀因素動機,與來自不同僑居地、就讀學校、類組、是否曾就讀師大僑先部、入學管道及兄弟姊妹是否曾來臺就讀等方面有顯著的差異,但在性別方面則無太大差異。 八、問卷調查樣本對招生宣傳成效認知與來自不同僑居地、性別、就讀學校、是否曾就讀師大僑先部及入學管道等方面有顯著差異,但與就讀類組差異不大。 九、受訪者多數體認我國現行招收海外僑生及港澳生之政策有其歷史背景,且認為政府各部門也能彼此分工,各司其職。 十、受訪者認為在現行招生政策在運作上雖無太大問題,但既有的一些法規仍有修改必要。 十一、受訪者認為在招生宣傳地區及方式等方面仍有值得改善之處。 十二、受訪者認為宜加強對海外僑生及港澳生之生活照顧與輔導。 十三、受訪者對未來僑生及港澳生招生策略,建議政府各部門應為一體,彼此分工合作,且應有重點地區範圍。 最後,本研究依據所獲結論,分別針對政府相關單位及各大學校院及後續研究提出相關建議,以供未來改進之參考。


大學校院 海外 僑生 港澳生 招生策略


This study has adopted the methods of questionnaire survey and field interview, in addition to literature reviews and document analysis, to explore the strategies and practices of recruiting the overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong, Macau and other regions to study in Taiwan’s universities. The main purposes of this study include: 1. To review the systems of recruiting children of citizens from abroad to study in the home countries in East Asia (including Mainland China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore). 2.To analyze the historical development of the policies of recruiting overseas Chinese students to study in Taiwan. 3. To explore the current policies of recruiting overseas Chinese students to study in Taiwan. 4.To explore the motivation, the decision-making of HEI (Higher Education Institute) chosen, and perception of overseas Chinese students towards the effects of various recruitment policies. 5.To review the practices of overseas Chinese students recruitment, and problems faced by Taiwan’s universities.. 6. To propose suggestions, based on the findings of this study, for the reference of reform or improvement of related policies in the future. The questionnaire survey of this study was conducted, via stratified purposive sampling in the 2014 academic year. A total of 821 first year undergraduate overseas Chinese students in six selected universities were chosen as the sample population. Universities were chosen mainly according to their locations and affiliations, and, with a response rate of 75.15%, 617 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The field interview of this study was conducted also through stratified purposive sampling, and 7 administrative staff responsible for the recruitment of overseas Chinese students in six chosen universities, which are group members of the recruitment committee nationwide, were interviewed. Main conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: 1.All of the five East Asia countries or regions reviewed, have had their own supporting programs for children of their citizens abroad to go back to study in their home countries. 2.The overseas Chinese students recruiting policy in Taiwan has changed from a tight control type to a loosening one in recent years.. 3. Similar lifestyle is the most important factor considered by respondents to study in Taiwan. 4. The provision of educational resources and the ranking of university reputation are the major criteria for the respondents’ choice of universities. 5. The recruiting promotion service is the most effective promotional strategies perceived by the respondents. 6. There are significant differences in the motivations of study in Taiwan, among different backgrounds of respondents, in terms of their origins of residence, the types of universities, the academic fields of study, prior study experience in the Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students held by National Taiwan Normal University, the channel of access, as well as siblings’ prior educational experiences in Taiwan. 7. There are significant differences in the selection of universities, among different backgrounds of respondents, in terms of their origins of residence, the types of universities, the academic fields of study, prior study experience in the Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students held by National Taiwan Normal University, the channel of access, as well as siblings’ prior educational experiences in Taiwan, but there is no significant difference in terms of the gender. 8. There are significant differences in the perception of respondents towards the effect of recruitment policies among different backgrounds of respondents, in terms of their origins of residence, the types of universities, prior study experience in the Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students held by National Taiwan Normal University, the channel of access, as well as siblings’ prior educational experiences in Taiwan, but there is no significant difference in terms of the field of study. 9. Most of the interviewees are aware of the historical changes of the overseas Chinese students recruiting policies and have supportive attitude toward the function of the different governmental departments. Most of the interviewees responded that different offices abroad have functioned in accordance with their division of labor, and each of them operated cooperatively. 10. Most of the interviewees responded that the current recruiting polices has no serious problems, but, some existing regulations still need further revision, and an integrated and unified system of services for overseas Chinese students should be established. 11.Various suggestions for the improvement of the recruiting promotion are proposed by the interviewees. 12.More supporting and counseling services for the overseas Chinese students are needed.


