  • 學位論文


Discourse Analysis of Questioning Structure in a 5th Grade Chinese Class

指導教授 : 陳劍涵


本研究旨在探討國小五年級某班級中,教師在國語教學課堂中以提問所安排 的課程內容、師生言談互動的特性,並嘗試檢視學生對教師提問的回應與學生所在課堂中構築學習之關聯性。本研究採用個案研究,選取一位國小教師為研究對象,透過教室觀察、錄影錄音、研究札記、訪談與文件蒐集等作為資料來源的方式。本研究的發現如下: 壹、不同類型的提問為國語課堂提供多元功能:提問提供學生參與課堂的管道, 以及促使他們從中思考、與同儕溝通與運用知識的機會,且也使課堂運作有秩序、不紊亂。 貳、教師彈性釋放權力,激發學生自主性學習:當學生擁有較大的空間與同儕共 同探究文本,相互聆聽與討論時,將激發學生自主性的發問,渴望解決現有知識與現實問題的矛盾,因此在課室中展現出對學習積極與投入。 参、教師的陪伴與指引,牽動學生對知識的追求:教師的言談在課堂中並非是權 威式的存在,應是扮演引領與陪伴學生一同學習的角色,使得學生得以握回學習權,並且深刻地走進文本中,獲取知識以外,也培養出應對未知的能力。


國語課 提問 教室言談 課的架構


The main purpose of the study is to explore that teacher’s questioning arrangement of curriculum, the characteristics of interaction between teacher and students, and try to understand the relevance of teacher’s questioning and students’ response, if the classroom discourse they build up together could help students construct knowledge witch is meaningful to them, in the 5th grade Chinese class. The study was proceeded with qualitative method of case study and data were collected through 10 weeks participant observation, tape and video recording, documents and interview with the teacher and some students. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. Different types of questions provide various functions in Chinese class: The case teacher offers multiple questions to stimulate students to involve into the class discussion and encourage them thinking, communicating and applying the knowledge they have already owned. Meanwhile, different types of questions makes the class operating smoothly and orderly. 2. Teacher releases power elastically, and it will arouse students’ self-directed learning: When students have much more chances to interact with classmates, and they listen to each other and discuss issues together, so that will lead students try to search answers and eager to solve the contradiction between their own knowledge and the reality problem. Hence under the context of inquiry, effective classroom discourse encourage students to show positive in learning. 3. Teacher’s companion and guide affect students’ aspiration for knowledge: Teacher’s words in class is not the existence of authority, it should be the guide students needed and be willing to learn with students. Therefore, that allows students to hold back the right to learn, and have them thoroughly immerse in the learning text. It not only lets students access to the knowledge, but also train them to deal with the unknown.


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