  • 學位論文


The study of data mining implements on the LINE Stickers Marketing

指導教授 : 廖述賢


LINE從2011年6月發表後帶動了LINE貼圖的發展,從一開始冰冷的文字、簡易的表情符號到現在生動活潑的LINE貼圖,讓人們聊天的模式更近一步,拉近了彼此的距離。 所謂一圖勝千言,生動的貼圖能讓人們更精準的表達當下發生的情緒及情境。這也是為甚麼LINE可以發展出超過1萬種以上的貼圖,這其中隱藏了巨大的商機。 本研究採用問卷調查法,透過集群分析並運用關連法則挖掘出有用之資訊,探究不同族群之使用者貼圖偏好、消費偏好及服務偏好經分析整理後,以提供LINE、公司企業做為經營上之參考。


After LINE has been published in June 2011 it drive the development of the LINE sticker . The freezing words and simple emoticons form beginning to those lively LINE stickers that we can see now, they not only make the mode that people can chat with each other closer, but also get each other close. The reason why the Line stickers can be performed more vivid than any text. Because the vivid stickers can make people more accurately express the current mood. That is why LINE can be developed more than 10,000 kinds of stickers, in which hides a huge business opportunities. The study uses the questionnaire survey procedure, by using Clustering analysis and Association rules are applied to bring out more useful information to investigate different groups of users sticker preferences, consumer preferences and service preferences after analysis and finishing. The research is provided reference of management for Line and corporate.


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