  • 學位論文


Factors Influence Audiences’ Loyalty toward Live Streaming

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙


近年來拜科技進步所賜,藉由各式的直播平台與裝置,人人皆能憑藉一己之力成為網路直播主,然而網路直播、實況這類的新興媒體,吸引觀眾的原因是否與過去的電視媒體相同?本研究目的便在於了解網路直播是何以吸引觀眾,使觀眾持續使用的原因是否與影視明星、歌手藝人相似?因此,本研究以實況主人格特質、涉入程度、從眾行為、知覺娛樂以及共同創造為自變數,探討上述自變數對應變數忠誠度(包括喜好度和持續使用意圖)之影響。 本研究採問卷調查法,以「網路直播觀眾的忠誠度影響因素」問卷為研究工具,以網路直播、實況之觀眾為研究對象,總計回收593份問卷,其中包含473份Google表單網路問卷與120份實體問卷;扣除無效問卷273(無使用經驗者、皆勾選相同選項者、未作答完全者),有效問卷為320份。 研究結果顯示,觀眾的從眾行為、知覺娛樂對觀眾的喜好度、持續使用意圖有顯著的影響;共同創造的部分則有部分顯著的影響;實況主人格特質和涉入程度的部分對觀眾的喜好度和持續使用意圖則無顯著影響。


According to the prosperity of technology, everyone could be a live streamer on their own by a simple device and streaming platform, but does live streaming, as television, attract audience? This paper attempts to investigate the attractiveness of live streaming, also aims to find out whether characteristic of live streamer, involvement, herd behavior, perceived joyfulness significantly affect loyalty (including preferences and continuous usage intention). This research was conducted by using physical and internet questionnaire survey and sent out 593 copies (473 online, 120 on-site included). 320 questionnaires are valid due to the experience of using live streaming and acceptable answer. Results showed that herd behavior and perceived joyfulness significantly affected preference and continuous usage intention; co-creation also affected preference and continuous usage intention partially; however, characteristic of streaming and involvement did not significantly affect preference and continuous usage intention.


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