  • 學位論文


Studies on Hu Jintao’s South China Sea Strategy (2002-2012)—A National Security Strategy Perspective

指導教授 : 施正權


本論文以文獻分析法研究胡錦濤主政時期(2002-2012年),由國家安全戰略觀分析其南海戰略,並驗證其外交及軍事之各項作為,最後提出中共面對未來戰略環境下的行為模式。 面對南海島礁之主權爭議,事涉中共國家主權核心利益,不容退讓。對於相關諸國,中共在外交上積極發展睦鄰政策,暫擱主權爭議以發展海洋經濟;在軍事上由「防禦型」轉變為「進攻型」戰略形態,朝向「海洋威懾」,以建立預防性近海防禦力量。在「擱置爭議、友好協商、雙邊談判、推動合作」下,運用各項手段,期望成為亞太戰略中心。 冷戰時期南海爭議被制約,後冷戰時期在美國重返亞洲下,南海周邊國家基於國家利益與中共發生衝突日增,中共南海戰略與作為對南海的影響值得研究。 緒論在論本文之研究動機、目的等與結論外,第一章論述南海爭端及相關問題;第二章闡述中共國家安全與東協外交政策;第三章在析論中共與南海周邊國家之主權爭議;第四章則綜合研究並提出中共解決南海爭端的可能模式。 透過中共的國家安全戰略觀分析其南海戰略,並驗證其外交及軍事之各項作為,吾人對其南海戰略具有更清楚地了解,對不同戰略環境下的中共國家安全戰略思維可獲清晰的認識。


Title of Thesis:Studies on Hu Jintao’s South China Sea Strategy (2002-2012)— A National Security Strategy Perspective Pages :128 Key Words:National Security, Chinese Foreign Policy, South China Sea disputes, Relationship between China and ASEAN Name of Institute:Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University Graduate Date:June, 2014 Degree Conferred:M.A.(Master of Arts) Name of Student:Wang, Tung-Sheng Advisor:Dr. Shih, Cheng-Chuan (王同生) (施正權 博士) Abstract: In this study, the author will explore the China’s South China Sea and analyze it from the viewpoint of national security strategy. Under the China’s South China Sea strategy, with fast economic growth and China’s rising, the Chinese foreign policy within the region has been changed in economic and military affairs. Despite of increasing territorial disputes among the other claimants within the region, China’s good-neighbor-policy has been held since 2002. The South China Sea strategy has been gradually formed during the Hu Jintao administration. Under the strategy, China’s military strategy has been transformed from defensive into offensive form. This change shows that China has a strong intention to be a leading power in the Asia Pacific. Originally, the obscure disputes and conflict in the Cold War, however, tensions escalated among claimants and related powers in the post-Cold War era over there, the China’s South China Sea Strategy has been gradually changed. For the sake of mineral resources and safe shipping routes, strategic rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific, the United States and the other related powers are very concerned about that. With China’s rising, the strong will in maintaining the sovereign within the region, China’s South Sea strategy will be fundamentally in pursuit of national interest and security. China’s South Sea strategy with a national security strategy perspective will be more clearly analyzed.


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