  • 學位論文


A Study on Anti-Globalization in Strategic Approach: Case of Taoyuan RCA Incident

指導教授 : 施正權


本研究以反全球化研究為主軸,以戰略研究途徑作為分析之架構,探究反全球化論述中多國籍企業與民族國家政府之間的互動關係,並佐以桃園RCA污染事件作為實證案例。 在反全球化的研究方面,藉由檢視多國籍企業與國家在環境變遷之下角色、權力與目標的變化,本研究發現多國籍企業與國家之間的權力消長同時體現在已開發國家與發展中國家。回顧全球化理論與戰略途徑分析多國籍企業與國家的變化,一方面可以驗證全球化論述中認為在驅使全球化的過程中,政治力量大於經濟力量的事實;另一方面則是帶出當時環境下的結構,做為後續台灣RCA案例分析的前提。 案例分析部份,由冷戰期間至1970年台灣RCA在台設廠為一時點作為戰略分析途徑中之環境分析部分的歷史脈絡。在RCA母公司面臨成本上升與國際競爭激烈的同時,另一方面中華民國政府在長期依賴美援之下也半強迫地開放外國資本進入台灣。台灣RCA公司在台灣設廠時期,中華民國政府並未盡到其維護社會秩序之職責。由許多報導與研究皆可得知在1970至1992年撤廠之前,台灣RCA公司多次違規卻並未有強制力量迫使污染者改善,僅在事件爆發之後才藉由輿論的力量使相關汙染者賠償與修補當地環境,然而政府在此事件中仍有其建樹,譬如對於相關法規皆藉由此事件之爆發而有了可觀的進步。 環顧整起桃園RCA污染事件,屬於典型跨國資本將本應在母國支付的社會成本藉由全球化輸出至發展中國家而造成汙染全球化的案例。台灣在當時的確藉由RCA投入的資本獲得經濟、技術上的幫助,但卻也為這22年的經濟發展承受同樣時間的環境、勞工成本。唯一值得慶幸的效應也許是藉由此事件促成對於工業污染與職業災害觀念的重視與相關法規的完善。


This research discusses the topic of anti-globalization by using strategic analysis approach. This thesis focuses on the interaction between multinational corporations (MNCs) and nation states and make Taoyuan RCA pollution incident as the case of empirical analysis. In the analysis of anti-globalization, by examining actor, power and purpose’s change of MNCs and nation states in the transformation of global environment, this research discover that both of MNCs and nation states are facing increase and decline of their power in different parts. Reviewing the transformation of MNCs and nation states in chapter one to three, this thesis have two results. First, in the power of driving globalization ahead, political factor is bigger than economic factor. Second, in those part, the thesis describe the structure of how Taoyuan RCA pollution incident happened. In the case analysis, this thesis sets limitation of time period from the end of Cold War to 1970, which is the time that RCA establish factory in Taiwan, as the historical environment part in strategic analysis approach. In one hand, RCA faced the increase of cost and international competition; and in the other hand, Republic of China (ROC) was half made to liberate its market because of the dependence of U.S.. When RCA in Taiwan, ROC government was not an appropriate actor in stabilize the society. By reviewing many news and research, this thesis realizes that between 1970 and 1992, the shut-down of RCA factory, Taiwan RCA violated the law several times and the government did not have the power to make the polluter to improve their behavior and only fine the polluter and revert the environment after the incident appear on the media. However, there were still some advance like relevant laws and rules were improved and perfect after this incident. In sum, Taoyuan RCA incident is a classical pollution-globalization case that multinational capital produce negative outcome to developing country. ROC was thrived after that period, however, after this 22-year boost, ROC society pay the cost of environment and labor.


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