  • 學位論文

從「引進來」到「自主創新」 論中國大陸的產業政策-以中國高鐵為例

From " bringing in" to " indigenous innovation"- a study on China's industrial policy - the case of Chinese high-speed rail

指導教授 : 李志強
共同指導教授 : 蔡青蓉(CING-RONG CAI)


本研究藉由平行時間軸的概念去研究中國大陸政府,從“引進來”到“自主創 新”整體的產業變革,看中國大陸政府是如何從一個技術引進的國家,慢慢的轉型 成為一個技術輸出的國家,並且以高鐵產業這一個案為例去探討其整體產業的政策 變革是否具有成效。墨子曰:「海納百川,有容乃大,襟三江而帶五湖。」,一國在 發展產業創新之前依舊必須先向國外學習技術,此外一國的經濟發展是否良好,跟 其交通建設發展是否完善有著密切的相關。本研究以中國大陸高鐵產業為個案去看 中國大陸整體產業政策的轉變,是因為高鐵產業憑藉著“引進來”的特質,吸收了 外國主要高鐵發展國家的技術且加以學習研發,而後打造出了屬於自己的高鐵技術,把“自主創新”發揮的淋漓盡致,更結合了對外的“走出去”戰略,把中國大陸的 高鐵產業推向全世界,也藉此證明了中國大陸的產業政策轉型是有成效的。


中國高鐵 引進來 自主創新


This study makes a research on government of mainland China with the concept of parallel timeline, to investigate how mainland government gradually transforms China from a technology importing country to an exporting one, along with overall industry transformation from “bringing in” to “independent innovation”, and to test the effect of overall industry transformation with the case study of high-speed rail industry. Mo-tse once said: “The sea can hold the water from thousand of rivers, it is big because of its capacity. The three rivers enfold it like the front part of the garment and the five lakes encircle it like a girdle.” Likewise, a country has to study advanced technology from overseas before developing its own industrial innovation, and the sound national economic growth of a country is highly related to its complete development of transportation construction. This study looks at a case study of high-speed railway industry of mainland China to examine the transformation of overall industry in mainland. With the help “bringing in”, high-speed rail industry in mainland China absorbs technology of major high-speed developing countries and conducts further research, later makes its own high-speed rail technology. It gives full play to “independent innovation” and combines the strategy of “going out”, taking high-speed rail industry to the whole world to prove the effectiveness of industrial transformation in mainland China.


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2. 朱星華、王奮宇,〈評中國因應金融危機的科技政策〉,《經濟前瞻》,2009年5月。
3. 吳明澤,〈中國高鐵四縱四橫之影響〉,《經濟前瞻》,2011年3月。
7. 張閔傑,〈中國高鐵的發展現況與未來展望〉,《經濟前瞻》,2010年7月。


