  • 學位論文


Chinese economical development and its Taiwan experience

指導教授 : 魏萼


當中國大陸決定走向市場經濟,從傳統的計劃經濟邁向為社會主義市場經濟,從封閉經濟走向開放經濟,解放和發展生產力。中國大陸已是一個經濟大國,但並非經濟強國,在經濟發展的同時,仍面臨諸多的課題有待解決,一為過去「中國馬列化」的弊病,一為目前資本主義發展的挑戰。而這些問題的解答就在台灣。   台灣可謂兩岸經濟成功發展的先行者,以經濟、政治的經驗,提供中國大陸學習的範例,透過文化交流、經濟合作,共享中國人世紀的來臨,「台灣因素」將成為兩岸關係決定性的因素。台灣40年(1949-1989)所累積的成功與失敗的經驗,可以減少中國大陸許多冤枉路,依循經驗修正,避免重蹈覆轍,「台灣因素」對中國大陸經濟的改革和發展,曾扮演功不可沒的角色,甚至成為政治民主改革的借鏡。以「台灣經驗」模式出發來發展大陸經濟,相同的文化與民族性,可以減少因文化因素產生的不適應性。   最後本研究推論:面對中國大陸的經濟崛起之最佳作為,是以經濟力共存共榮,在兩岸政治和諧及軍事和平前提基礎下,「唯有加強兩岸經貿,對台灣而言才是最安全」,依存度愈高,「台灣因素」愈大,愈不容易輕啟戰端,亦才符合台灣利益。


As mainland China decides to march towards market economy, from conventional planned economy to socialist market economy as well as from closed economy to open economy, the decision has fully released and developed its productivity. Since China is a major economic country rather than a strong economic power, it is exposed to several issues for resolution at the time of economic development, one being the defects of “Ism of Chinese Marxist-Lenin” and the other being the challenges from the development of capitalism. And it happens that the solutions to these challenges can be found here in Taiwan. As a matter of fact, Taiwan can be considered as the predecessor that has worked successfully with economic development across the Strait. Of economic and political experiences, they would help provide mainland China with illustration of learning, and via economic cooperation and cultural exchange Chinese across the Strait can share the coming of Chinese Century, while “Taiwanese experiences” should become the critical factor that determines the relationships cross the Strait. For the success and failure experiences accumulated in the last decades (1949-1989), they could have helped reduce mainland China to avoid wasting efforts and time on unnecessary blunders, while similar faults can be circumvented with experiences modified. As such, “Taiwanese experiences” can have played such role of inevitable success to the reform and development of Chinese economy, even exemplification of reform for political democracy. Based on the model of “Taiwanese experiences” for the development of Chinese economy, the inadaptability incurred as of cultural factors can be much reduced from tantamount culture and nationalism. As deduced from this study at the end, the best dealing in view of the rise of Chinese economy would be to co-exist prosperously and economically. And it is only under the premise of peaceful agreement that “it would be the safest measure only by strengthening economic and trade relationship across the Strait,” and only with higher the reliance as well as greater the “Taiwanese factor,” it would then be less easier for mainland China to declare war on Taiwan and should best accommodate to the interests of Taiwan.




