  • 學位論文


Study on the reaction behavior of aqueous solution containing Bisphenol A by different Advanced Oxidation Process and Dosing Forms.

指導教授 : 陳俊成
共同指導教授 : 申永順


高級氧化程序常用以處理難分解且濃度低的汙染物,因此該程序常會有過量使用氧化劑的問題。因此如何提高氧化劑的利用率,以減少氧化劑的使用,以節省成本及減少放流水內殘留氧化劑對生態的破壞,是應用高級氧化程序的重要課題。本研究比較以批次與半批次系統,進行以UV/H2O2與Fenton、Photo Fenton程序處理BPA,研究其最佳光催化效率,並探討光化學動力模式,以得出最好氧化劑利用率。 研究結果顯示四種氧化程序對於 BPA 之去除皆有顯著效果,然 Photo Fenton系統之去除效率為四種程序裡最佳的。光強度於三種程序皆呈現強度愈強其去除BPA效果愈佳之趨勢,顯示提高UV光穿透水溶液之能力可更快促使氧化劑產生自由基以去除污染物,然於UV/H2O2半批次系統中可改善批次系統的氧化劑利用率。BPA初始濃度會影響UV光催化氧化劑及亞鐵離子與過氧化氫碰撞機率,高濃度的BPA間接導致氧化劑之催化反應受阻,使BPA之去除效率下降。最佳pH 值在UV/H2O2批次與半批次系統降解BPA為5;Fenton及Photo Fenton系統則為3。 在所有操作條件下,Photo Fenton系統對BPA去除效率及反應動力常數皆較Fenton系統佳,且兩種程序之半批次系統的BPA最終去除率亦較佳。經比較化學反應劑量利用率於各操作條件,顯示氧化劑去除BPA之利用程度亦受各操作因子影響。電能量損耗效益(EE/O)於氧化劑濃度愈高之情況下所需耗能愈低,然過高的氧化劑量對於降低電能損耗並無明顯幫助,且所有批次系統之EE/O皆低於半批次系統。光促進效應亦受各操作因子影響而有所不同,但其中影響最大的操作因子為pH值。氧化劑促進比較顯示Fenton和Photo Fenton系統皆有隨著H2O2倍率增加氧化劑促進效應越高的趨勢,且Photo Fenton系統效果比Fenton系統更佳。經比較四種程序後發現Photo Fenton 系統降解 BPA 的能力,即使在低劑量的氧化劑下仍明顯優於 UV/H2O2 批次與半批次系統。


When applying advanced oxidation process in treating hardly degraded pollutants with low concentration, one has to overcome the challenge from excess dose of oxidants induced cost concern and impact on natural waterbody by effluent oxidant residues. Therefore, how to improve oxidant utilization is concerned in AOPs application. This study intends to explore whether the dosing procedure can improve the utilization of the oxidant. This study compares the pollutant removal efficiency, oxidant utilization characterized as stoichiometric efficiencies(RSEs) and energy efficiency characterized as electrical energy per order(EE/O) of AOPs that include UV/H2O2, Fenton/Photo Fenton processes in both batch and semi-batch operations to obtain the optimal AOPs application in treating BPA solution with best oxidant utilization. The considered parameters include applied UV or light intensity, initial BPA concentration and pH value. The experimental results show that all processes can effectively remove BPA, while the removal efficiency of the Photo-Fenton system is the best among the four processes. The stronger the light intensity the better BPA removal indicates the increased UV light intensity can penetrate more into BPA solution that prompts more generation of free radicals to react with BPA. For the UV/H2O2 process, the RSEs in semi-batch operation is improved when compared to batch operation. The initial concentration of BPA affects the UV photocatalytic oxidant generation. The high concentration of BPA indirectly leads to the inhibition of the catalytic reaction of oxidant, which reduces the BPA removal efficiency. The oxidant utilization in the semi-batch operation has been improved when compared with the batch operation. Regarding the pH effect in BPA removal by the studied AOPs, the best pH setting in both UV/H2O2 batch and semi-batch operation is at pH 5; while the Fenton and Photo-Fenton systems perform the best BPA removal at pH 3. Regardless of all operating conditions, the BPA removal efficiency and the reaction kinetics of the Photo-Fenton system were better than the Fenton system and the BPA removal capability of the semi-batch operation for both systems were improved compared with batch operation. The more oxidant doze requires less energy to produce oxidants results in better energy efficiency, however excess oxidant doze does not improve energy efficiency significantly. In this study, the energy efficiency or EE/O of the batch operation are all lower than that of semi-batch operation indicates batch operation has better energy efficiency than the semi-batch operation. This study concludes that the semi-batch operation for various AOP systems can improve the oxidant utilization than the batch operation in the expense of more power consumption.


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