  • 學位論文


Study on the Linguistic Style of Lee Shang-Yin’s Seven-character-poem with focus on Phonology and Dictions

指導教授 : 葉鍵得
共同指導教授 : 高婉瑜(Wan-Yu Kao)


晚唐詩人李商隱,擅長以曲折隱晦的語言,營造矇矓和神秘的意境,用典繁密,詞藻穠麗更是其最大的特點。義山詩當中,又以七律成就最高,在中國古典詩歌發展過程中不僅具有延續及重振之功,甚而自成獨樹一幟的唯美詩風。自唐以來,不論在詩集的箋釋或學者的研究,李商隱及其七言律詩始終占有一席之地。      「語言風格學」是利用語言學的觀念和方法,提供一條分析文學作品的新途徑,其相關研究論述有逐年增多的趨勢,取材範圍亦十分廣泛,但其中以李商隱詩為研究對象者較少,範圍或內容亦都有所偏重。因此,本論文以「語言風格學」的理論,對其七言律詩中的音韻、詞彙進行探討。      本論文共分五章,第一章是「緒論」,分成研究動機、研究範圍、研究方法及前人研究概況四小節,闡述本文寫作之動機及研究方法。第二章為「李商隱生平及其七律」,分成李商隱生平大略及創作源流以及李商隱七律內容分類兩節,對李商隱創作源流及七律分類作介紹。第三章「李商隱七言律詩之音韻風格」分為頭韻的設計、韻腳的安排、同音重複及雙聲疊韻四小節,將義山七律音韻風格具體分析。第四章「李商隱七言律詩之詞彙風格」則分成重疊詞、數量詞、色彩詞及典故運用的探索四小節,對詞彙進行結構與語法分析,以探析其詞彙風格。第五章「結論」,綜合前章所述之要點,進行歸納整理,並用圖表的方式呈現。


李商隱 義山 七言律詩 語言風格 音韻 詞彙


Lee Shang-Yin,a poet of the late Tang Dynasty,is good at using tortuous and vague phrases to create obscure and mysterious atmosphere in his poems.What is the most remarkable in his poems is the use of flowery dictions and plenty of allusions to classic stories or sayings. Among his works,the greatest and the most fantastic achievement is his seven-character octives. His seven-character octives not only contribute to passing down and revival of Chinese classical poetry during the process of development, but also create a one-of-a-kind,artistic poetic style. Therefore, Lee Shang-Yin and his seven-character octives have always earned a place in the research of selecting poems for the collection and in the reviewers’ criticism since Tang dynasty. “Linguostylistics” takes over the conceptions and methods of linguistics as a new channel to the study of literary classics. Although related researches increase year by year,with a very wide range of material sources, Lee Shang-Yin’s poetry is seldom the target of researach.Therefore, with the theory of “Linguostylistics,” we will discuss rhymes and phrases in his seven-character poems. This thesis is divided into five chapters.The first chapter “introduction” includes sections such as motive of research, range of research, methods of research, and related previous research,explaining why and how this thesis is conducted.The second chapter describes “the life of Lee Shang-Yin and his seven-character poems,” divided into two parts,introducing the inspiration of his creation and the content clarification of his seven-character poems. In the third chapter “the rhythmics style of Lee Shang-Yin’s seven-character poems,” we will analyze the language style in terms of rhymes in five sections, including the patterns of alliterations, rhymes, tones, repetitions, and rhyme pairs.In the fourth chapter,”the phrase style of Lee Shang-Yin’s seven-character poems,” we will examine the words of reduplications, numerals, colors, and allusions to classic stories or sayings in his poems to define the style of phrases. In Chapter five ”conclusion,” we conclude the points mentioned in the above chapters and use a chart to clearly present the conclusion of the analytical results of this study.


132. 〔清〕凌紹雯等撰,《康熙字典》,(台北:世一文化事業股份有限公司,2010年)。
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