  • 學位論文


Review on EU Global Competitiveness, the Challenges and Strategies

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


歐盟在2000年里斯本高峰會中所設定的長期目標:『在2010年成為世界上最有競爭力的知識經濟體,促進經濟永續成長,增加更多的就業機會以及使社會更為凝聚。』里斯本策略主要重點透過創新政策的實踐,也注重環境的永續發展。在此策略之下,歐盟必須改善其總體經濟環境,才能提升整體競爭力以及促使社會凝聚,並提供更多就業機會。 再者,本文研究發現歐盟生產力的成長主要依賴傳統的資本投資,有別於美國主要是投資於資訊及通訊科技(ICT)產業方面來提升生產力,由此可見,資訊及通訊科技(ICT)產業的研究發展與專利部份 ,是歐盟實施創新科技政策的一項潛力,本文也特別針對創新研發的政策來多做說明。 最後,歸納出本文的重點為:東擴後的歐盟,以長期來看勢必可以增加歐盟的整體競爭力,在此之前,不論新舊會員國都必須適時的改善其總體經濟環境,不斷促進經濟成長與提升就業率。所採取的優先措施則是鼓勵增加科技人力資本的投入,加強基礎建設之研究,包括研究與發展、增加高科技專利數的申請等。最終目標以尋求維持總體經濟環境的穩定,以及對產品、資本及勞動市場持續進行結構性的革。


In March 2000, the EU Heads of States and Governments agreed to make the EU "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". The strategy focuses on EU competitiveness and cohesion from an increasingly innovative EU economy, creating more and better jobs, giving all a greater stake in our society and protecting our environment.Under the strategy, a stronger economy will drive job creation in the EU, alongside social and environmental policies that ensure sustainable development and social inclusion, which will themselves drive economic growth even further. Furthermore, Europe’s productivity growth has relied more heavily on investment in traditional forms of capital, while in the US the role of information and communcation technology(ICT) capital is more pronounced, possibly indicating untapped potential to enhance the competitiveness in the EU. Finally, according to a series of analysis, in the face of enlargement, existing and new Member states must improve it’s economic enviroment. Fostering EU competitiveness as the key to generating and maintaining growth and employment. Priority will be attached to encouraging investment in physical and human capital, including research and development, while seeking to maintain macroeconomic stability and to continue the structural reform of product, capital and labour markets.


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