  • 學位論文


Can the Commercial Bank Run for the Business of the Real-Estate Trust-A Case Study on C Bank

指導教授 : 林志鴻
共同指導教授 : 林志娟


隨著經濟的發展造成國民所得的增加及教育普及造成國民知識水準的提升,對於不動產本身的管理及運用有了更深更迫切的需要,所以有了不動產信 託業務的發展及信託法、信託業法及不動產信託條例之通過。 本研究採用個案研究方法,經由國內外相關文獻探討及資料蒐集,建立模型架構,擬出策略方針,檢視特定業務之執行是否符合其企業使命。 本研究是以台灣地區商業銀行不動產信託發展演變,來探究個案C銀行在資訊瞬息萬變、競爭激烈產業間,如何經由內部環境評估,了解本身的優、劣勢後,擴大本身內部的優勢或改善本身的劣勢來擬定競爭策略。此外,亦藉由外部環境評估瞭解本身在產業中所處的位置,對於競爭對手或替代品等,何種情況下是機會?何種情況下是威脅?如何捉住機會避開威脅,或化危機為轉機,只有在洞悉本身、對手與產業狀況,才能精確掌握。最後再藉由總體環境的評估,了解時代趨勢、政令走向等大環境的改變,並且順勢而為,擬定正確的競爭策略及確實的執行後,再回過頭來檢視不動產信託業務是否符合C銀行的競爭優勢,如果符合,此項業務方能繼續承做,也才能達到C銀行的目標,進而完成其企業使命。如果不符合,則應暫時停止承做此項業務,惟不動產信託是未來的潮流趨勢,故如何彌補缺失、改善既有劣勢情況,以做為此項業務的因應方針,該是C銀行的當務之急。


Due to the enhancement of national income and knowledge which comes from the development of economy and popularization of education, the management and application of real-estate becomes much more important. That is the reason that trust law, trust enterprise act, and the legislation of real-estate trust pass. The research applies case study to establish the framework of model and strategic orientation to survey whether the execution of specific business accord with enterprise mission or not. According to the development of commercial bank’s real-estate trust in Taiwan, the research investigates that the process how bank C evaluates through internal environment to realize the advantages and weakness itself in order to broaden the internal advantages or improve the weakness itself to draft the competition strategy. Furthermore, the research also explores that how bank C realize its position, competitors, and substitutes in its industry through the evaluation of external environment. By having an insight into itself, competitors, and industry, bank C could differentiate the opportunities from threats in certain situation. Finally, the research also investigates the way how bank C drafts accurate competition policy by comprehending the trend of times and policy through the evaluation of macro environment. If the real-estate trust is not accord with the enterprise mission, bank C should suspense the business immediately. However, the real-estate trust is the trend of future. Making up the flaws and improving existent weakness to draft a guideline is the first priority of bank C.


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