  • 學位論文


The reseach for the financial consultants’personality, sales attitude and job performance correlation.-A Case Study of Bank C

指導教授 : 郝充仁


台灣近年來由於金融環境逐漸開放,加上金融市場的自由化與國際化;各銀行在微利且競爭激烈的環境中,已從單純傳統存款利差業務,進而將焦點轉向以賺取手續費收入為主的財富管理市場。隨著財富管理事業組織架構的建立,銀行理財專員亦因應而生;提供客戶量身訂做的專業理財諮詢服務與資產配置規劃。理財專員是一個處於高度壓力的工作,抗壓性高的人,才能在這產業中生存下去。理財專員須具備何種的人格特質更能達成組織的工作績效?該特質是否會影響銷售態度?以上皆為本研究所欲探討的問題。 本研究以C銀行之各地區的理財專員為研究對象,進行問卷調查,總計共發出218份問卷,回收210份問卷,有效問卷為208份,有效回收率為95.4%。採用SPSS 12.0統計視窗軟體作為統計分析之工具,針對樣本資料使用之研究方法如:敘述性統計、t檢定分析、單因子變異數分析與事後多重比較、皮爾森相關分析、迴歸分析等方法,探討理財專員的人格特質、銷售態度與工作績效之間的關聯性。研究結論將分享給銀行管理者,以及提供未來相關研究者之方向根據。研究結論如下: 1.理財專員在人格特質對工作績效有顯著相關性 2.理財專員在人格特質對銷售態度部份有顯著相關性 3.理財專員在不同的人口統計變數對壽險公司的品質要素無顯著差異 4.理財專員在不同的人口統計變數對工作績效部份有顯著差異 5.理財專員在不同的人口統計變數對人格特質部份有顯著差異


In recent years, due to the financial environment is gradually opening up, coupled with the globalize and liberalize of financial markets in Taiwan. Under the Era of the meager Profit, banks shifted the focus from spreads bus- iness into wealth management for increasing fee income. With the establish- ent of the wealth management business, financial consultants emerge as a result. Providing customers tail-made financial advisory and asset allocation planning. Because financial consultant works under high pressure, those peo- ple who are high pressure resistant can survive in this industry. In order to achieve the goal of company’s performace, what kind of personality traits sould a financial consultant have? Whether it will affect sales attitude would be our research priorities. In this study,we assume financial consultants within region of C bank as the research objective to investigate. Issued a total 218 questionnaires, 210 recovery, 208 effective, the rate of effective recovery is 95.4%. Using SPSS 12.0 statistical windows software as a tool for statistical analysis, research methods used for sample data are descriptive statistics, T-test, One-Way ANOVA, multiple comparisons, Pearson's correlation analysis and Regre- ssion Analysis. Explore the association between the personality traits, sales attitude and job performance. Conclusion will be shared to bank’s manager as well as providing the direction of future research. Conclusion as follow: 1.Financial Consultant in personality traits have a significant correlation to job performance. 2.Financial Consultant in personality traits have a significant correlation to sales attitude 3.Financial consultants in the different demographic variables have no significant difference to the quality factor of insurance companies 4.Financial consultants in different demographic variables have a signi- ficant differences on job performance. 5.Financial Consultant in the different demographic variables have a significant differences on the personality traits.


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