  • 學位論文


A Study of Competitiveness Advantage of Wine Industry in France

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


葡萄酒,一直係環繞著法國的名詞之一,其葡萄酒品質及產區特色讓全球人著迷,更使法國人引以為豪。十九世紀法國藉著萬國博覽會之名,舉行葡萄酒競賽,將葡萄酒推向海外市場,享譽國際。葡萄酒貿易蓬勃發展之際,法國憑藉著自然條件優勢及「法定原產區管制命名」(Appellation d'Origine Controlee, 簡稱AOC)規範,使法國葡萄酒主導地位屹立不搖。然而,伴隨農業技術革新、種植權開放,葡萄酒產量日益增加,最終引發歐體境內葡萄酒供需失衡、產量過剩之問題。同時,新世界產酒國日益茁壯,開始分化法國在內歐洲舊世界市場區塊,舊世界產酒國面臨市場挑戰。面對內憂外患之境,葡萄酒共同市場組織歷經多次改革,採取蒸餾政策以紓解歐盟境內葡萄酒生產過剩危機;新世界憑藉著低價量多策略外,酒標明瞭且新穎,更使法國及歐盟均體認自身法規嚴謹且僵化,故漸漸鬆綁規範,統一境內各國葡萄酒等級命名制度,以順應消費者所需。法國更推行「五年法國葡萄酒業現代化計劃」,除簡化酒標、行政程序自由化外,更致力提升出口潛力以贏取新市場區塊。縱然面臨產量危機及新世界產酒國低價競爭,法國仍秉持自然條件和技術優勢鞏固品質,更推廣葡萄酒旅遊產業,輔助小型葡萄農出口行銷,以及創新酒標設計以增加市場競爭力。


Since the end of the nineteenth century, France became the most important wine producer in the world. Depend on special natural elements “Terroir,” French wine is known as highest-quality wine, Appellation d’Origine Controlee (AOC), and have traditionally been segmented into fine wine and table wines. However, with decreasing tariffs, logistical cost reductions and the lowering of certain trade barriers have afforded wine producers the opportunity to sell their products outside of their own region. It causes the global wine market of competitive positions and consumption patterns in Old and New World countries have changed radically and rapidly in recent years. Besides, due to agricultural technical improvement and abundance of subsidies, European Council confronts with crisis of wine surplus. In view of this, France and EU begin to find a solution to resolve this problem and facilitate wine industry. In this paper examines the situation and economic of wine industry in France. It further utilizes the theory of Nation competitive advantage to analyses France’s current competitive advantage position and to see what kind of measures they improve the competitiveness of wine industry.


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