  • 學位論文


The Action Research on the Influence of Integrating Learning Community into Lower Primary Teaching on Students’ Problem-Solving Ability

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究採行動研究法檢視國小低年級實施學習共同體之可能性,透過研究者所任教的國小一年級導師班共28名學童為研究對象,並經過「教師專業學習共同體」的協同課程設計,選定國小一年級的生活領域課程,設計為期六週的單元教學活動,及進行六周期之循環。本研究亦透過親師間的搭配與合作,讓學生練習解決老師所提出的各種實境或虛設的問題,採用學習共同體主張之合作學習模式,使學習者在討論中相互學習,期望小組成員間能發揮群體智慧的思考、彼此建構知識。同時藉著一連串教學歷程的行動反省,記錄教師如何將學科知識轉化為學習活動的歷程。本研究提出應用於國小低年級之教學模式,並探討應用學習共同體理念融入生活領域教學後,對學生問題解決能力及教師的專業能力之實際影響情形。 研究結果顯示,大部分學生認同且喜愛學習共同體的學習方式。藉由合作學習的小組討論,學生明顯提升學習意願,學習成果也呈現多元創意;遇到問題時懂得求助同伴、分工合作以尋求共同解決。在本研究中,研究者歸納出學習共同體應用於國小低年級之教學模式,包含: 學習共同體融入Polya問題解決教學模式、分組與領導、記錄與分享、遊戲與獎勵、課堂秩序、實施時間及討論議題等七項教學設計原則。此外,本研究的實施發現有助於提升學生對問題的思考、表達與質疑能力、問題解決能力,及增進師生間與同學間之互動。 再者,本研究亦發現實施學習共同體時,透過教師共組的「教師專業學習共同體」,在共同備課、彼此觀課及事後議課等過程中,不但可收群策群力的功效,對於教師的專業能力亦能產生同步成長的情形。最後,本研究並分別針對日後有意實施學習共同體之教師、學校、教育當局及後續研究者提出建言。


This study aimed to examine the possibility of practicing learning community in low grade primary school by adopting action research method. Taking 28 Grade 1 students of the researcher’s class as the object of study, the researcher designed her team curriculum by Professional Learning Community (PLC), chose Grade 1 Life domain curriculum, and designed a six-week unit teaching activity. This study also asked students resolve all kinds of reality or unreal problems purposed by the teacher and adopted cooperative learning approach from the perspective of learning community to urge students mutually study through discussion in the hope that team members could think by developing their collective intelligence to build up knowledge. Meanwhile, through a series of teachers’ reflection-on-action of teaching process, it recorded the process of how teachers transformed their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) into learning activity. In the end, this study asserted the teaching approach applied to low grade curriculum and investigate the actual effects on students’ problem-solving activity and teachers’ profession after integrating the concept of learning community into teaching of Life domain. The results of this study suggested that most students endorsed and enjoyed this learning style of learning community and that their learning inclination was highly enhanced, their learning achievement was multi-creatively promoted, their problem-solving capability is mutually developed by team discussion out of cooperative learning. In this study, the researcher generalized a conclusion that learning community was appropriate for the teaching approach to low-grade teaching, which included seven principles of teaching design—course design and teaching, grouping and leadership, recording and sharing, game and reward, class order, schedule of implementation and discussion of issues. Besides, the practice of this study was helpful for students to enhance their abilities to think, to express, to question, and to solve problems as well as teacher-student or student-student interaction. Further, this study also discovered that in the practice of learning community, through Professional Learning Community (PLC) established by teachers, teachers involving preparing, observing and arguing lessons not only understand its effectiveness but also enhanced their profession. In the end, this study provided some suggestions for teachers, schools, education authority and future researchers attempting to put learning community into practice, respectively.


江美惠(2005)。創造性問題解決教學方案對資優學生創造力及問題解決能力影響之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。臺北市立師範學院,臺北市 。


