  • 學位論文


Exploring on the Potential of the Small Electric Cars in Taiwan---Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 陳敦基


本研究針對電動小汽車在台灣可能發展之方向及其影響因素進行探討,研究中運用專家問卷分析方法,對於來自政府單位、學研單位及產業界等32位專家學者進行訪查,並運用層級分析法(AHP)來分析專家學者對於影響因素之相對的權重及其對影響台灣電動小汽車發展方向之重要性的排序。研究結果顯示,台灣若要擴大電動小汽車的市場佔有率並增加銷售量,電動小汽車的價格是首要關鍵,其次則是政府的支持政策,以直接對電動小汽車的銷售實施補貼及減稅是最有效的。接下來由於電動小汽車與一般燃油車的使用習慣不同,因此電動小汽車在使用上,油耗里程是潛在購車者最重要的考量,車輛性能上,每公里可行駛里程數越多,或是油耗更少。最後的因素才是在個人環保意識中的減少能源使用項目,其中以電動小汽車能減少空氣汙染及溫室效應較重要。 在傳統燃油車、油電混合車、插電式油電混合車及純電動車的選擇方案上,透過考慮政策、經濟、社會及技術評估(PEST)及AHP的方案權重值矩陣所得出的加權評價,可以發現在台灣電動小汽車可能的發展方向,係以油電混合車為優先。


This study explore the market potential of the Electric Vehicle (EV) in Taiwan by using the Analytic Hierarchy Processes (AHP) method. Thirty-two experts from government, academia and industry have been interviews in this study. By using the AHP method, this study identifies priority of the factors influencing the electric vehicle’s potential market share in Taiwan. The results show that: in order to increase the market share of the electric vehicle, the price of the EV is the most important factor. Government policies, such as tax rebate or subsid, is the second concern by the consumers. The third one is the consumer behavior of using the electric vehicles. In other words, people want to know how fast they can charge to full battery rather than fill their tank by using gas. Miles-per-gallons (MPG) is the fourth concern by the potential consumers while the last concern is the image of reducing the CO2 emission or green gas emission (GHG). Additionally, combining with the PEST analysis, it is show that Taiwan’s government should keep promoting the Hybrid Electric Vehicles(HEV) rather than other alternatives, e.g., Conventional combustion vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle.


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