  • 學位論文


The Study of European union development aid policy: A case of ACP country's water resource

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


目前歐洲聯盟(European Union)為世界上推動發展援助的主要單位之一。根據2004年統計,歐盟所提供的援助金額占全球官方發展援助(Official Development Assistance, ODA)總量的百分之52 。而到2006年,歐盟和內部會員國所共同提供的援助金額高達四百七十億歐元,約占整體國民總收入(Cross national icome, GNI)的百分之0.42 。每一位歐洲公民平均皆須負擔100歐元的援助金額,其平均值遠高於其他援助單位(如美國公民約為一位公民負擔53歐元之援助金額;日本則約為一位公民負擔69歐元)。目前僅有丹麥、盧森堡、荷蘭、瑞典等四個歐洲國家達到(甚至超過)聯合國(UN)所設定需抵達國民總收入的百分之0.7 援助之目標金額。 過去,歐體的發展援助政策一直是附屬於對外經貿領域之下,主掌財政和技術方面的援助。一直到1992年的《馬斯垂克條約》通過後,歐盟才將發展援助事務獨立於條約的新一章,顯示歐盟對於發展援助的重視程度日益見增。而在2000年之後,聯合國公佈了《千禧年發展目標》並成為世界各國推動援助事務時的主要依據。而伴隨其後的《蒙特瑞國際金融發展會議》以及《巴黎援助成效宣言》皆表示國際社會推動《千禧年計畫發展目標》之決心。歐洲聯盟也順應這股國際潮流,與會員國一同通過《歐洲發展共識》,象徵歐盟持續地改善本身的發展援助政策,進一步達成削減開發中國家貧窮現況的宗旨。本文擬透過複合式互賴理論,分析歐洲聯盟援助政策的形成背景、現行工具以及未來的發展趨勢。


In recent years, European union is the biggest provider of development aid instrument in the world. According to the analysis about world’s ODA total volume, EU has provided more than 52 percentage volume in 2004.On the other hand, each european citizen need afford to pay 100 European dollar to support European union development aid policy. For the time, only four european countries, includes Denmark, Netherland, Luxembourg, Sweden, has already reach the standard of Unites Nation, the volume of aid’money has to reach the target about 0.7% Cross national icome. In the pass time, European union development aid policy was putted under the external commercial system, particularly in the financial and technological part. Until to the 1992 year, after European union declared her new treaty, the Maastricht treaty. In this new treaty, EU established a new chapter in order to generalize the development aid policy and drawn a goal of policy. Since 2000 year, The Unite nation has declared the Millennium development goals, this document become a integral stone to build country’s development aid policy. In order to respond this international tide, EU also pass through the European consensus on development to improve her development aid policy, and is devoted to arrival the goal of reducing poor phenomenon.


