  • 學位論文


The Study of Water Conservancy Facilities and Modern Social Transition of Shilin Hougangic

指導教授 : 吳明勇


民國53(1964)年基隆河未截彎取直前,後港墘原位於社子島的東南方,一個基隆河下游南岸的農、漁村,隔著基隆河與士林相望。所見景物除了農夫辛勤踩踏水車灌溉作物之外,河畔上常遇見水上人家撈捕蜆及聽見鴨群「押押押……」的叫聲,偶爾能瞧見「嬰兒落港」的情景。 後港墘與士林只有一水之隔,因兩地分屬於泉、漳兩地移民之墾地,在開發過程中,難免有一些磨擦和衝突,也常引起群體對立,甚至釀成血流成渠的械鬥,但群體的對立與衝突是社會整合的一種契機。在地方士紳努力之下,雙方關係漸次有改善。後於同治、光緒年間,開啟了基隆河兩岸的通航,彼此交流更加密切。另昭和14(1939)年日本政府又興建完成社子吊橋,使得後港墘的生活圈依附士林更深。 大正年間,日人曾在後港墘開鑿社子圳,其使用電力馬達引水灌溉農田是臺灣吏上第一次。因水源問題的解決,居民再也不用煩惱於枯水期只能利用漲潮時引入基隆水滋潤作物。困擾多時的人力問題,也因這項水利設施,終於獲得解決,多餘人力接續投入捕「蜆」之相關行業,居民經濟隨之好轉。 低窪的地形為後港墘造就了經年水災的受體環境,夏秋兩季造訪臺灣的颱風暴雨,以及冬季東北季風所帶來的豪雨,致使當地常遭受洪水之侵襲。故於民國52(1963)年葛樂禮颱風侵襲臺灣,大臺北地區遭受百年以來的大水災,損失慘重時,政府為了防止類似的水災再發生,在次年(1964)年執行臺北防洪計劃,自圓山至雙溪口間開鑿了一條人工河。因基隆河截彎取直,從此本地正式與社子島分離,居民彼此互動交流的情形日漸減少。 後因填平了舊河道,拆除了社子吊橋,後港墘的土地與士林市區相連在一起。因河川阻礙兩地交通與文化交流等的問題,也隨著舊河道消失,彼此關係逐漸密切。此後,本地歷經四十幾年的開發,也由一個農業村落轉型為士林區工商業發逹的地區。 研究後港墘的歷史,無法脫離與士林的關係,但也不能遺忘與社子「血濃於水」的歷史淵源,才能將先民墾荒的艱辛歷程,公諸於世。


Until the re-routing of the Keelung River in 1964, the fishing village of Hougangic was located downstream to the southeast of Shezi Island, and on the opposite side of the Keelung River from Shinlin. Scenes from this area were of farmers industriously irrigating crops using human-powered irrigation wheels, and riverside families catching freshwater clams. Additionally, the sound of ducks quacking could be heard and occasionally scenes of "the infant falls harbor", when infants fell out of their strapping while the mother was working. As mentioned, Hougangic and Shihlin were separated by the Keelung River and were inhabited by emigrants from Quan Zhou and Zhang Zhou. In the process of development, the emigrants from these two places inevitably had disputes and conflicts, often involving large groups, and sometimes even resulting in serious bloody battles. However, these conflicts ended up being turning points for social integration and the relationships between the two sides improved with the assistance of those of higher social standing. In the years of Tongzhi and Guangxu, cross-river trade was opened along the Keelung River and their communication became much closer. In the 14th year of Zhao (1939), the Japanese government built Shezi Suspension Bridge, resulting in Hougangic having a deep dependence on Shihlin. In the years of Dazheng, the Japanese excavated Shezi Chuan in Hougangic, allowing Taiwanese to irrigate farmland using electric motors for the first time. Because of this solution to the headwaters problem, the residents no longer needed to wait for high tide to feed water from the Keelung River to their crops during dry periods. Manpower had been a problem for some time, but this was also finally solved because of this water storage facility. The surplus manpower devoted themselves to clam-related industries, and residents' financial situations improved. Hougangic was in a low-lying area. Typhoon rain-storms often visited Taiwan in spring and summer and the pouring rain brought by the northeast wind in winter meant that this place often suffered serious flooding. Typhoon “Glory” hit Taiwan in 1963 and the Greater Taipei Area suffered from the worst flooding for a hundred years, causing serious losses. The government tried to prevent similar flooding from taking place again and carried out a flood control plan in Taipei, excavating an artificial river from Yuan Shan to Shuang Xi Kou the next year (1964). Because of the re-routing of the Keelung River, from now on this place was formally separated from Shezi Isle. The new course of the river isolated Hougangic and Shezi Isle and the residents’ interactions gradually reduced. Since filling in the old riverbed and tearing down Shezi Suspension Bridge, Hougangic and downtown Shihlin have been connected to each other overland. As the river had obstructed transportation between the two sides, as well as cultural interaction, etc., the disappearance of the old river location began the gradual process of improved relationships between the two. Since then, this area has been developing for more than 40 years and Shihlin has transformed from a small agriculture village into a business industry. The history of Hougangic cannot escape from its relationship with Shihlin, or forget the original "blood thicker than water" history with Shezi. In this way, the process of how hard the pioneers worked to reclaim the wasteland can be demonstrated.


Shezi Island Hougangic fighting typhoon


