  • 學位論文


A Study of Heroines in Dystopia Science Fiction Films

指導教授 : 楊明昱


科幻電影又稱作「陽性電影」,敘事上通常以「科學」推進劇情發展,勾勒出人類對未來的想像。當「反烏托邦」的元素進入科幻電影的敘事場域,意味著與在「性別隱喻」中等同於男性的科學被視為不完美未來之濫觴,推翻了邏各斯的二元對立型態。科幻電影和恐怖電影近質同源,延續恐怖電影為撫平閹割焦慮對女性採物化之手段,科幻電影在性別角色的配置上亦受其影響,但在此語境下的科幻電影也出現了若干女性英雄,本研究從未來反烏托邦世界中的父權背景切入,分析女英雄身處之地所帶來的宰制困境,後以女性主義分析女性英雄在當中的位置探討性別議題,及其與環境的互動。   本研究選擇《異形》、《魔鬼終結者》、《飢餓遊戲》系列電影為研究文本,研究結果發現,科幻電影的反烏托邦概念通常體現於女性英雄的職場上,而在職場上都會有個具體的父權化身,處處限制女性英雄的作為。另外,女性英雄雖具「雄化」的外型,並手持具有陽具象徵之武器,看似肯定了男性特質,但其確立英雄地位的要因和手段通常和女性特質有關,彷若第二波女性主義之一的陰陽同體觀;而在劇情的安排下,這些外型遠離花瓶性角色、蛇蠍美人等物化女性的女性英雄也確實能以情慾為器,並且善用母職、性徵、浪漫愛等女性特質,成就其女性英雄形象。


Science is the element used to develop the story in science fiction films. It is presented as a masculine element. When the element of dystopia is brought to the narrative discourse of a film, science becomes the fountainhead of a negative future in which the idea of words and ideas as superior is destroyed. This study investigates the backgrounds of heroines from such a background, beginning by analyzing their environments. It then investigates the heroines’ status, how it’s affected by gender issues, and finally their interaction in the film’s narrative as viewed according to feminist ideas.   This study selected three prominent sci-fi film series for analysis: “Alien”, “Terminator”, “The Hunger Games”. The study reveals that the concept of dystopia usually emerges in the heroines’ workplaces, which will also show the embodiment of patriarchy restricting the heroines’ behavior. Sometimes the heroines’ appearances are masculinized while they don phallic symbols in the form of weapons, but they can also use their femininity to accomplish their heroic goals, similar to what second-wave feminism would call “androgyny”. In the plots, although the heroines’ looks may be far from standard ideas of beauty, they also can evoke male desire, as well as the image of motherhood, and so romantic love will still often become a key element of such heroines.


heroines dystopia science fiction feminist


劉北成等 譯(1992)《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生》。台北:桂冠。(原書:Foucault, M.[1975]. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison. French: Gallimard.)
