  • 學位論文


Investigating Online to Offline Social Status: A Markov Chain Perspective

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


本研究主旨在探討網路遊戲環境下,玩家的哪些行為會影響到線上至離線的社交。網路遊戲之組成份子與傳統的BBS站、網路聊天室而言有所不同,BBS站、網路聊天室以社交為目的,網路遊戲則是先對遊戲抱有興趣,才在遊戲內容的推動下進行社交行為。另一方面,網路遊戲在社群的組成方式也與時下流行的社群網站,如Facebook、twitter等有些差異,社群網站是先有一群在現實中的朋友,而後在網路上形成網路社群,但網路遊戲卻是直接在網路上組成了社群,然後有機會轉變成現實中的朋友。因此本研究將以馬可夫鏈的概念以及玩家特性,來分析玩家在遊戲中各個狀態對於線上至離線社交的影響情形,藉此來探究何種狀態變化會導致線上至離線社交的情況發生。 在遊戲行為的部分,利用文獻中的遊戲動機,配合ERG理論的概念中,動機引發行為的觀點,將遊戲動機視為一個具有概括性的網路遊戲行為,建立玩家行為的分類標準。資料收集的方式以發放網路問卷,共收集兩百份。依照受測者的回答來對應在馬可夫狀態上的排序,來構築馬可夫鏈。本研究將玩家將玩家依照主要遊戲活動,即社交、團隊合作、競爭、探索遊戲等四項活動,交叉組合分成四個種類:團隊與社交型、競爭與社交型、團隊與探索型與競爭與探索型。分析問卷的方法主要用馬可夫鏈中的概念,以轉移矩陣的方式呈現出不同類型的玩家,在各個遊戲行為上的變化機率,來理解各個狀態對於線上至離線社交的影響情形。研究中發現在網路遊戲行為中,有四項活動會促使玩家進行線上至離線社交的連結,分別為團隊合作、競爭、社交與探索遊戲。而使玩家傾向上述四種行為的原因,則須溯源於玩家進入遊戲之管道,為獨自一人還是與親友一同。 過去文獻中,在網路遊戲的社交方面主要分成了兩個部分。第一部分先討論了進入遊戲的動機,導致玩家在網路上追求社交。第二部分則是觀察玩家間的社交型態,以及離線社交的的出現情形。而本研究將兩者連接,主要針對玩家的遊戲行為做觀察,發掘何種行為能夠有較強的力量引發玩家對於社交的產生,進一步帶起離線社交的建立。將文獻中提及之既存社交將限制在遊戲中展開新社交的機會,以遊戲行為來建立連結並再詮釋,且以本研究之行為分析為基礎,推測出從線上社交轉變至離線社交的變化點。將玩家行為與社交需求連接,來獲得玩家更真實的社交情況。


This study discusses the behavior of players from online to offline social networking status in the online game environment. Online games consist several activists who are different from BBS and chat rooms. The purpose of BBS and chat room is used for social networking. However, the online game players are interested in game first and later socializing with other unfamiliar players. On the other hand, online games in social communities also different form social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Social networking sites allow users to have a group of real world friends and form the community on the Internet. Nevertheless, online game may directly form an online community in the game and later have certain opportunities to meet in the real world. That is, this study will analyze players’ features by Markov chain to explore what changes may cause the status from online to offline social networking status. According to literature of game motivation, this research attempts to link the concept of ERG theory to players’ behavior. We assume online game has a motive as the general behavior. We also construct a taxonomy based on players’ behavior. This research collected 200 data through online questionnaire. In accordance with the subject's answer, we match each participant to transform a Markov chain matrix. In this study, the players may have main activities include socialization, teamwork, competition, and mechanics. We analyze the collect data based on Markov chain concept and estate the transition matrix. To understand the change in the probability of transition matrix of each category and to discover what impact online to offline behavior. Four activities may encourage players to link online to offline social networking, which are socialization, teamwork, competition, and mechanics. The reason for players’ leaving tendency might because of feeling alone or demanding to play with families or friends. In the past, the social aspect of online gaming can be divided into two parts. The first part discusses the motivation to enter the game, resulting in the pursuit of social players on the Internet. The second part is to observe the situation generated between players social patterns and the offline social status. This research connects online and offline concepts of players’ behavior of games and explores the actions can be taken to enable players to move to offline social status. Finally, this study also connects players’ behavior with social needs and help players realize own social situations in practice.


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