  • 學位論文


Investigate the space value of art museum

指導教授 : 宋立文


摘 要 西方工業革命前藝術發展對於空間的影響大多與宗教有關從對藝術追求擬真的精神到了現代開始尋求抽象化的解讀其影響是思想性的,形而下的追求到形而上的追求,從具體到抽象,藝術的價值不再是技術層面的突破,也企圖尋求精神上的突破。哲學上擷取養分重新思考藝術帶給觀者甚麼樣的價值,藝術作品從創造到展示這一連串的過程對於藝術作品本身來說是未完成式,唯有在觀者觀看藝術作品後產生思考或靈感作品後產生思想上的共鳴,作品才得以完整。 當代藝術作品的呈現空間扮演著重要的角色,早期在展示藝術作品時空間要求多為白色及簡單幾何的空間為主,使觀者得以將注意力集中在作品本身隨著藝術作品創作媒材的多元及多媒體科技的運用,空間不再只是單純的放置藝術作品,開始對於空間以及真實藝術作品觀看有相互的辯證關係,在未來藝術作品是否需要實質空間這可從多媒材藝術作品中其藝術價值來反思空間價值,對於藝術作品的感受不只限於作品本身也包含了空間氛圍、觀看方式、心理狀態等等,以空間操作手法來重新閱讀藝術與空間關係對於實體藝術作品展示所採用之最重要的手段之一,這也是空間對於藝術作品的一種再詮釋,使空間與藝術更為緊密的結合,現階段對於藝術作品的展示尚未做深度的結合,空間仍只是輔助藝術作品展示的一個盒子,未有將空間形式特性納入考慮,而透過本研究分析及設計操作手法利用空間形式操作來重新觀看藝術作品的角度,試圖說明空間與藝術品之間的關係與所創造的價值。 設計操作以觀看方式來操作空間形式,利用此設計操作藝術作品與空間的關係來重新詮釋藝術作品的觀看方式,透過對比各空間形式的觀看方式,來突顯空間形式與藝術作品之間的關係及影響,另一個方向是對於未來展示空間透過即時動態空間來呈現未來展示空間的型態與可能的展示方式與現階段展示空間來互相辯證其展示空間之價值。


Artistic development that influenced in space mostly related to religion in the era before western industrial revolution. Pursuit of immersive spirit of art turns into pursuit of abstract interpretation, that transform which caused the effect is thoughtful. From physical to metaphysical, from specific to abstract, the value of art is no longer the breakthrough of technic, it is an attempt to seek spiritual breakthrough. With philosophy, rethinking what kind of values of art are bring to the viewer .From the process of creation to present, this series of works of art in itself is not complete yet, if only when the viewer produce ponders after watching the art work and generating ideological resonance that inspired by the art work, then the art work is complete. The feeling about art works is not limited to the work of art. It also contains the atmosphere, the way of seeing the art works, viewer’s psychological state, etc. The relationship between art and space is reinterpret by space, which is designed to combine with the art work, which is one of the most important way to present art works. At this stage, the present of works of art do not show the depth of the combination of the auxiliary space yet, space still just a box of art show. Trying to explain the relationship between the space and the artwork and the value created through the use of space in the form of operation of the analysis and design of operating practices. By the operating of different space forms define the relationship between work of art and the space in different perspective. Using the relationship of art and space to reinterpret the way of viewing works of art. Highlight the relationship between space forms and works of art, which is influenced by each other through comparison of each space in the way of viewing. In the other hand, through real dynamic space, to present the next exhibition space patterns and possible way of presentation and the exhibition space at this stage to dialectic the value of each other.


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