  • 學位論文

台灣銀行業消費性金融貸款分析-以M 銀行為例

The Analysis of Consumer Loan in Taiwan's Banking Industry - A Case of M BANK

指導教授 : 林江峰


目前台灣金融與銀行業主要推行的消費者貸款包括汽車貸款、房屋貸款、小額信用貸款、信用卡業務以及相關衍生的授信業務。消費者貸款由於客戶群是國內的消費大眾,所以客戶數量大,但每筆交易金額卻不若企業客戶大,也因此放款銀行或金融機構對消費者貸款業務因交易筆數多,如何權衡消費者貸款的風險與銀行貸款收益將是相當有趣的研究議題;並且消費者貸款由於交易流程簡化,加上貸款時間長,所以探究金融單位與銀行如何有效的維持與改善消費者貸款之經營策略是本研究的主要動機。 本研究探討發現兆豐銀行的消費者貸款流程相當詳盡且謹慎,會提供詳細的資訊供消費者先評估自己的資金需求及還款能力,分析評估各種房貸類型與方案,選擇最適合的方案,並充分告知申貸人可提供保證人資料及個人享有權益讓貸款銀行知道申貸人的信用程度,以利銀行方面作業。為求謹慎,兆豐銀行會辦理徵信調查與不動產鑑價,藉以確認申貸人有無不良債信紀錄,聯徵記錄會查詢申貸戶在所有行庫的貸款金額,與過去半年的還款記錄與包含信用卡繳款紀錄。為保障申貸人權益,在銀行核款後,若滿意銀行提供的貸款條件,就可以與銀行簽訂房屋借款契約。 本研究者建議銀行在此申貸程序中可以再加強對保與徵信,藉以避免申貸戶是以人頭的方式來進行申貸而造成銀行方面有潛在的損失與風險。


The primarily financial and banking business include car loans, house loans , credit loans , credit card business and other credit-related business in Taiwan. Consumer loans base on the public in domestic market. That’s why the number of cases is huge but the amount of each transaction is not as large as corporate clients. Therefore the measurements between risks of consumer loans and revenue of bank is an interesting subject to be researched due to the huge amount daily loan transactions. Since the foundation of consumer loan is processing simplified and lifetime business, it’s the main motivation for this study trying to find out how effectively maintaining and improving the strategies of consumer loan in financial and banking industry. In this study, we can find that M bank always go through every details of consumer loans, provides detailed information for consumers to assess their financial needs and repayment ability, analyze and evaluate various types of products and programs, choose the most suitable solution , and fully inform the applicant providing information of guarantor and himself about their credit papers bank needs to know in the process of loan approving. For the sake of carefulness, M Bank will handle credit investigation and real estate pricing. In order to confirm the credit records of the applicant, M Bank also dig in more details such as the histories of applicant and every bank including monthly payments of loans and credit cards during the past six months. It will end up an happy ending of loans approving and contract signing if everything heading the right path. We recommend that some parts of the process shall be enforced. M Bank could do more applicant’s ID check and background research avoiding fake application and fake real estate purchase contract those may cause serious loss and risk of bank.


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