  • 學位論文


A Comparative Research on Hong Kong Protest against Implementation of National Education,Umbrella Movement and Anti-extradition Bill.

指導教授 : 陳建甫


香港自回歸中國以來,北京政府雖強調以「一國兩制」的治理模式管制香港,承諾 高度自治、港人治港,但因香港的發展歷程導致在文化、社會、經濟以及政治等不同層面與中國有著絕對性的分歧與衝突,另在回歸之後中國希望香港加速去英國殖民化,以多種政策作為企而達到中港融合與中國認同的目標,卻因政策未得民心,反造成雙方更多因文化、社會或制度等習慣不同而產生衝突,使得中港之間隔閡未能縮短且增加距離。 隨著中國快速的崛起與香港本土化意識抬頭狀況,北京政府對香港的管制方式呈現了改變與干涉,同時也因為香港民眾對「一國兩制」的認知看法與北京政府之間始終存在著差異,導致對政策不信任且引起了抗爭。 從「反國教運動」、「雨傘運動」及「反佔中運動」中可以發現,香港年輕人對政治已不同於以往香港人的冷漠,這三項具有重大影響的運動都是由年輕世代所帶領並引起普遍香港人的支持,本論文藉由探討研究這三項社會運動的背景與發生原因,進而比較所存在的差異及對香港社會的影響。


The government of People’s Republic of China has been emphasizing that it would govern Hong Kong by using the governance model “One country, two systems, a high degree of autonomy, Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” since the Handover of Hong Kong. However, the development of Hong Kong led to different culture, society, economy and politics from PRC. PRC has tried to accelerate the decolonization of Hong Kong by various policies in order to achieve the purpose of National Identity and HK-China Merge, it turned out that the people of Hong Kong opposed the policies and caused conflicts between both sides. The rise of PRC power and Hong Kong localization made PRC change and interfere the autonomy of Hong Kong, and the perspective on “One Country, Two Systems” of the people in Hong Kong always differs from PRC, which caused distrust and conflicts. This research found that Hong Kong young generation is much more passionate about politics than before through “Protests against Implementation of National Education”, “Umbrella Movement” and “Anti-extradition Movement” led by those young people in Hong Kong. This research aims to explore the background and cause of these social movements to make comparatives between these cases and the impact on Hong Kong society.


