  • 學位論文


The Study of Promotion Assessment Criteria for Civil Service: A Case of The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

指導教授 : 黃一峯


隨著國際情勢的發展與國內政府結構調整,外交部組織文化相較於其他中央及地方機關不同,其晉升管道與其他機關並非完全相同,再者,外交部屬一個獨立升遷官道,如何晉升簡任官等,其升遷評鑑標準為何?及簡任官等須具備何種能力等,均為本研究所欲探討之主題。因此,本研究之目的: 一、現行陞遷考核評鑑標準規定,確認影響晉升簡任官等因素為何。 二、不同人口變項的外交人員對陞遷評鑑標準與簡任官等核心能力的看法是否不同。 三、檢視外交部現行薦任晉升簡任官等之陞遷標準與其能力二者間之相關性。 論文內容共有五章:第一章包含研究動機、目的與問題、方法、重要名詞、限制、假設以及流程;第二章為文獻探討,目的在於瞭解陞遷與人力資源理論、核心能力理論;第三章的問卷設計參考現行公務人員陞任評分標準表,針對外交部人員為對象進行問卷調查,採集群分析方法及實證研究調查,加以綜合歸納分析。第四章就研就結果分析,目的在於探討人口變項對陞遷評鑑標準與簡任官職具備之核心能力、陞遷評鑑標準與簡任官等所需具備能力之相關分析。 最後,在第五章說明研究發現與建議,根據研究發現所得出本文的研究建議,綜合考評之主管評分項目著加限制,增加其他更客觀之選項、促進陞遷與訓練進修相結合、提供簡任官等核心職能之學習訓練課程及參考國外作法。


With the development of international situations and adjustment of local governmental structuring, the organizational culture in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs varies in comparison with the central and the local authorities. The promotional channels as well are not identical to the ones in other authorities. Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs belongs to an independent promotional channel. The study focuses on subjects in methods of receiving promotion in senior civil service, the standards of appraisal and the competence which the senior civil service shall bear. Therefore the objectives of the study include the following: 1. Standardize the existing promotion assessment and appraisal regulations. Confirm the key factors affecting the promotion for senior civil service. 2. Examine if the perspectives from the diplomatic staffs in different population variables on the promotion appraisal standards and the core competence of senior civil service differ. 3. Survey on the relevance between the existing Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotion from associate to senior civil service standards and their competence. The study is divided into five chapters : Chapter 1 covers study motivation, scope and questions, methodology, terminology, restrictions, hypothesis and procedures; Chapter 2 analyzes based on reference, with objectives in understanding the theory on promotion and human resource and theory of core competence; Chapter 3 designs a survey form with reference to the existing civil service promotional performance standards, with emphasis on the diplomatic staff as survey subjects, investigating using cluster analysis methodology and experiment study, and the survey is then analyzed in a comprehensive conclusion. Chapter 4 analyzes based on study result in order to confer the relevance of population variables on promotion appraisal standards and the core competence of senior civil service.




