  • 學位論文


Application of Waste Glass and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag in Reactive Powder Porous Concrete

指導教授 : 劉明仁


多孔隙混凝土具有良好排水、吸音與抗滑能力,由於多孔隙混凝土之孔隙率高,強度低於一般混凝土,應用範圍因此受到侷限。活性粉混凝土則具有優越之抗壓、抗彎強度。活性粉多孔隙混凝土結合多孔隙混凝土和活性粉混凝土之特性,提供鋪面工程於排水鋪面面層材料之另一項選擇。廢玻璃具有可完全再生之特性,且廢玻璃回收使用可降低能源使用,對環境保護有極大幫助。使用爐石粉添加於混凝土或取代水泥用量,可以降低成本、減緩二氧化碳濃度之上昇。 本研究以廢玻璃砂取代矽砂,以爐石粉取代水泥,在目標強度與孔隙率符合要求下,探討此兩種材料之最高取代比例。本研究利用試驗室試驗方法檢驗力學強度。根據本研究試驗結果,主要結論如下: 1.本研究各試驗組別於坍度試驗中,單獨廢玻璃砂取代矽砂時,因廢玻璃砂粒徑小於矽砂,使取代後總表面積增加,且拌合用水量固定,導致工作性降低,坍度皆比控制組低。而單獨爐石粉取代水泥之組別試驗結果顯示,隨著爐石粉之取代量增加時,工作性亦增加,因此使用爐石粉可提高活性粉多孔隙混凝土之工作性,。 2.本研究抗壓強度與抗彎強度試驗結果發現,單獨以廢玻璃砂取代矽砂時,9(8)天或28天齡期之抗壓或抗彎強度隨廢玻璃砂取代量增加而呈現下降趨勢。以爐石粉取代水泥時,其28天齡期抗壓強度已達到280 kg/cm2,部份組別28天齡期之抗彎強度可提升至52 kg/cm2。 3.本研究試驗結果發現,廢玻璃砂之最大取代量約為30%,爐石粉之最大取代量約為50%。本研究試驗組別中,抗彎強度符合52 kg/cm2之標準,且孔隙率15%以上之三個組別為:爐石粉單獨取代50%、廢玻璃砂與爐石粉同時取代量為30%及30%、廢玻璃砂與爐石粉同時取代量為30%及50%。 4.本研究透水試驗結果顯示,滲透係數皆符合日本規範要求(≧0.01cm/sec)。活性粉多孔隙混凝土有明顯之路面紋理深度,有助於提供路面良好之抗滑能力。磨耗試驗結果顯示,活性粉多孔隙混凝土具有良好之抵抗顆粒飛散脫落能力。


The low strength of porous concrete due to high air voids results in limited application. Reactive powder concrete (RPC), on the other hand, has superior compressive and flexural strength. Reactive powder porous concrete (RPPC) combines the unique characteristics of both porous concrete and RPC, and could become an alternative material for the rigid pavement. Waste glass can be fully recycled. Recycle use of waste glass can save energy and help to protect our environment. Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbfs) in concrete as replacement of cement can lower the cost and retard the increase of carbon dioxide. This study was conducted to evaluate the substitute ratios of waste glass and ggbfs as replacements of silica sand and cement, respectively, when the strength and air voids criteria were met. Various laboratory test methods were utilized in this study to examine mechanical properties of RPPC specimens. Based on the results of laboratory tests, major conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1.The slumps of waste glass RPPC were lower than that of control group due to finer particle size of waste glass and fixed water content. RPPC with ggbfs, however, exhibited higher workability with increasing ggbfs content. 2.The 9(8)- creased with increasing waste glass content. Compressive and flexural strengths of RPPC were substantially improved when ggbfs were used. 3.The highest substitute ratios of waste glass and ggbfs were found to be 30% and 50%, respectively. Three groups in this study with flexural strengths≧52 kg/cm2 and air voids≧15% were: B50%, G30%+B30% and G30%+B50%. 4.Results of the permeability and British Pendulum tests showed that RPPC specimens had good drainage (≧0.01cm/sec) and skid resistance. Cantabro abrasion test results showed that RPPC specimens also had good abrasion resistance.


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