  • 學位論文

蘇聯「解凍時期」的新文學 — 以阿克薛納夫的小說《星票》為例

The New Soviet Literature During "The Period of Thaw": Aksyonov's "Ticket To The Stars" as a representative example.

指導教授 : 劉華夏


史達林逝世後,政治跟社會都產生了相當大的變動,文藝界漸漸開始有了新的風貌,此時形成的新階段被稱之為「解凍時期」。封閉過久的社會,開始接受新的資訊,讓當時許多的年輕人對西方的文化特別嚮往。年輕人的問題曾經一直是俄國經典文學及蘇聯文學的中心。但從來沒有一個時期,評論家及社會輿論產生了這麼巨大的興趣去關注於「青年文學」及那些年輕的主角們,這時期就是50至60年代二十世紀的蘇聯。 阿克薛納夫在這段文學潮流的領導象徵,被稱作是「自白散文」的主要人物,被評論稱為當代年輕人的「思想的代言人」、「第四代的領導者」,在他的作品中帶有最詳實及最富表達力來表現出這文學潮流的優缺點。阿克薛納夫的作品成了當時「自白散文」的一個代表。 而本文則選擇了阿克薛納夫早期具評論爭議的作品《星票》來詳加探討,深度了解作者利用這本小說想要傳遞的年輕人的形象,也藉由這篇小說讓讀者明白當時的年輕人的想法,並了解為什麼會產生所謂的「父與子」世代之間的問題。 「自白散文」的作家們不僅利用小說內容的中心思想表達出自己想說的話,其寫作的藝術風格,使用的語言及形式,都讓讀者及評論家產生了極多的看法。這也拉近了讀者跟作家的距離。 希望本文可以達到幾個研究目的: 1. 研究何謂「自白散文」? 2. 《星票》的評論是什麼? 3. 蘇聯「解凍時期」當時的年輕人形象是什麼? 4. 阿克薛納夫在《星票》中所呈現的新的藝術風格是什麼?


Since Stalin's death Soviet politics and society have undergone significant changes; for a while the so called "period of thaw" reigned over Soviet society and culture, literature was no exception. During that period, young people in the USSR developed a keen interest in Western culture, problems experienced by young people were reflected in Russian literature where previously neglected by literary critics. In this new trend of literature, Vassily Aksyonov gained perhaps the largest popularity as a writer. He has been praised as an idea spokesman and a leader of the fourth generation of the young people in the USSR. The reason is that his works express amazing accuracy, power, advantages and limitations of literature. Vassily Aksyonov's works can be considered a symbolic representation of "confessional prose" of that period. In this thesis, the author has chosen Vassily Aksyonov's highly controversial early work "Ticket to the stars" as a main subject of social and literary analysis. From this work we can identify the kind of character among the young people the writer wished to publicize. It is a precious material for studying young people’s attitude towards life, especially in relation to the generation gap, state authority, social morals etc... Through this study we can perceive some fundamental contradictions in the Soviet society at that time including the inner contradictions of the young generation's latent dissent. "Confessional prose's" powerful writing style, language and plot makes these stories precipitated heated discussions, which in many ways determined the subsequent development of Russian literature and public opinion. This study deals with the following main issues: 1. What is the "confessional prose"? 2. What kind of criticism did "Ticket to the stars" produced in the USSR? 3. What was the literary image of the young people during that time? 4. What are the literary traits of Vassily Aksyonov's work found in the "Ticket to the stars"?


7. Забарева Е.Ю. Проза русского зарубежье(1970-1980 гг.), М., Издательство МГУ, 2000.
10. Посашкова Е. В. Молодежая «исповедальная проза» на рубеже 50-60-х годов в зеркале критики: герой и стиль. Проблемы взаимодействия метода, стиля и жанра. Свердловск, 1990.
7. 海明威(Ernest Hemingway),宋碧雲譯,老人與海,台北:桂冠,2000。
1. Handbook of Russian Literature,Ed. by Victor Terras, New York: Yale University Press New Haven and London, 1985.
1. Brown Edward James, Russian Literature Since the Revolution, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1982.
