  • 學位論文


The study on the actual capability of PLA to develop the integrated network electronic warfare

指導教授 : 曾復生


共軍積極發展建立「非對稱性戰略優勢」,其中包括「制資訊權」和「制電磁權」,並以「電子對抗」、「通信對抗」,以及「網路對抗」為主要內涵之作戰形式,即為「網電一體戰」作戰能力;其不強調大規模殺傷而重視體系癱瘓,交戰方式由接觸轉為非接觸作戰,行動模式從線性向非線性轉變,兵力組成由規模組合轉為效能融合,作戰指揮從預先計劃變成同步指揮。這種作戰方式,基本上是貫徹「巧戰而屈人之兵」的用兵思想,以「非對稱性戰略」創造有利的戰略態勢,減少附帶傷亡的數量。 中共軍事專家認為「網電一體戰」是一種綜合性作戰樣式,是以資訊發展技術為基礎和核心的作戰概念。「網電一體戰」是由中共軍事理論學者專家在其發展具中國特色的資訊戰而產生的概念理論,其本質是資訊戰的延伸,屬於資訊戰的一部分 。所謂「網電一體戰」,是指在資訊化戰場上,將電子戰與電腦網路戰手段綜合運用,為破壞敵方戰場網路化資訊系統並保證己方戰場網路化資訊系統的正常運行而採取的一系列作戰行動,其目的是奪取戰場制資訊權。通過電子戰來破壞對方的資訊獲取和傳遞,通過電腦網路戰來破壞對方的資訊處理和利用,通過電子戰和電腦網路戰的綜合運用形成整體合力,癱瘓對方的資訊系統。 共軍「網電一體戰」作戰能量係以電腦網路為主要途徑,內容包括:(一)進行長距離攻擊破壞;(二)攻擊對手重要經濟活動能力,達到警告嚇阻效果;(三)發揮「先發制人」的戰略威懾效果;(四)破壞瓦解敵軍C4ISR系統及後勤補給系統;(五)攻擊癱瘓敵方的電力運輸和通訊系統;(六)結合電子戰特種部隊奇襲能量,達到心理威懾的戰略目標,並迫使敵方接受政治談判的條件等。


PLA are actively developing “asymmetric strategic advantage,” which includes “information supremacy” and “electronic supremacy,” using “electronic, communication, internet counter measures” as main contents of engagement methods, they foster combat ability called “Integrated Network Electronic Warfare.” This ability doesn’t emphasize mass destruction but system paralysis. In a nutshell, they’ve develop new ideas such as indirect engagement, non-linear movement pattern, performance-oriented army formation, synchronous combat commanding. These new ideas are basically from an ancient Chinese military concept: “denying enemy by fighting smartly,” and are, in another words, to reduce casualties by creating benefiting strategic posture using “asymmetric strategy.” Experts in PLA hold that “Integrated Network Electronic Warfare” is a comprehensive combat method, and is a concept based on information developing technology. “Integrated Network Electronic Warfare” is an extension of “information warfare,” it’s created while PLA theorists are trying to develop their own Chinese-characteristic “information Warfare.” The integrated network electronic warfare” is, in the informationized battlefield, a series of combat operations in order to sabotage the cyber information system on the enemy’s end while guarantee the smoothness of the selves. While alternately utilizing electronic and cyber warfare, one can sabotage the acquirement or transmission, and the utilization of information respectively. PLA’s “integrated network electronic warfare” works mainly through cyber network, and comprises six major contents or purposes: (a) long-distance attack; (b) to deter the enemy by launching attack on its principal economic activity; (c) the realization of pre-empt deterrence; (d) to neutralize the enemys C4ISR or logistic system; (e) to paralyze the opponents’ electricity transmission or communication network; (f) to force enemy to accept political negotiation by achieving the strategic end of psycho-deterrence through surprise attacks.




