  • 學位論文


Government Governance in Response to Digital Economic Trends: Taking EU Level Regulations as an Example

指導教授 : 郭建中


數位經濟藉由網路的發明與數位裝置的推出,可謂無孔不入的環繞在人們的生活中,同時亦延伸出相當的公共議題與干涉個人權益的問題。有鑑於歐盟是全世界數一數二完整地制定一系列數位政策之先進經濟體,本研究遂以歐盟於2015年推出之「數位單一市場」,作為數位經濟政策之政府治理的主要研究對象。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用文件分析法,檢視歐盟七項數位經濟政策之內容分析。歐盟數位單一市場之七項目標,包含電子商務、網絡與資訊系統、一般資料保護、高速連線的社會、數據經濟、版權與視聽規則。根據本研究分析結果,發現如下: 一、針對電子商務,歐盟對線上介面、地緣歧視、包裹遞送費用、各國關稅與消費者保護等做出比過往更明確的規定;二、歐盟針對資料管理者在蒐集、處理或是利用其公民資料或數據,或是藉由數位技術可能改變傳統權益結構時,訂定出一系列嚴謹的規範,這從一般資料保護、數據經濟、版權與視聽規則可分析出;三、在網絡與資訊系統與高速連線的社會規範中,觀察到歐盟針對數位網絡受到威脅時有一套標準作業程序以及如何提升內部網絡之發展。最後,研究者歸納結論,並提出歐盟之數位單一市場可以對台灣當局在制定相關政策時的啟發,可作為後續研究者之參考。


Through the invention of the Internet and the introduction of digital devices, digital economy can be described as pervasive in our lives. At the same time, it also extends the issue of public issues and interferes with individual rights. Since the European Union (EU) is one of the world's most advanced economies in the formulation of a series of digital policies, the research is based on the “Digital Single Market” launched by the EU in 2015 as the main research object of government governance in digital economic policy. In order to achieve the purposes of the research, it is used by the document analysis to examine the content of the seven European digital economic policies. The seven goals of the EU Digital Single Market include e-commerce, cybersecurity, ePrivacy, connectivity for a European gigabit society, data economy, copyright, and audiovisual rules. According to the results of the research, it is found as follows: First, in e-commerce, the EU has made clearer regulations on online interface, geo-discrimination, parcel delivery costs, national tariffs and consumer protection. Second, the controller is collecting, processing or using EU citizen information or data. Or through digital technology that may change the traditional structure of rights and interests, establishes a series of rigorous regulations analyzed from ePrivacy, data economy, copyright and audiovisual rules. Third, in the cybersecurity and connectivity for a European gigabit society, it is observed that the EU has a standard operating procedure for digital network threats and how to improve the development of the internal network. Finally, the researchers summarized the conclusions and proposed that the Digital Single Market in the EU can be inspired by the Taiwan authorities in formulating relevant policies used as a revelation for follow-up researchers.


